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Do you rent or own?

Rent, own, or other?  

  1. 1. Rent, own, or other?

    • Rent your own place
    • Own your own house
    • Live with relatives
    • Live in an RV
    • obligatory other

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We own an 1890's house in the historic district of our town. It's a one story bungalow type stone house with basement. 1500 sq ft. It is a fixer upper and we are in the middle of remodeling the kitchen and bath right now. We chose this house b/c it was cheap enough that we knew we could remodel. :)

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I said we own it, but really, the bank owns it. We have been here under a year so maybe we own a window now. :001_huh:


We are in same boat, but not think I own one doorknob.


We also have two rentals, one of which we still have to clean out to rent.


Dream is to get to our large prop in No Cal and build our sustainable house we have plans for.



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Wow, Melissa! That's incredible! Great job, I'm very impressed! You should call Dave Ramsey with that story - he'd love it!


edited to add - oops, now that I see you're in Australia, calling Dave Ramsey probably isn't an option. Perhaps an email? Or do you even know who Dave Ramsey is, LOL?

I have never heard of him:D

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We rent a house right now. We really like it (except for the scary cellar that we pretend isn't there), but we are looking at buying something, but it's not looking good right now. It is way too stressful to try to buy since our only car just bit the dust so now we have to replace that too. Ugh.

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own our own home, we built our own home. we did it in small stages, as we could afford it, the first couple of years with no power, as the fammily grew, we added to it. for a while we had 2 bedrooms with 5 children, my DH and I sleeping out on the veranda. we have extended it to fit us all in now. we have managed to never have a mortgage. just slight discomfit until we could save up for the next stage.:001_smile:


Sleeping on a veranda sounds beautiful. Is it weird if I beg for pictures?

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Can I just say that it is refreshing to see that we are not the only ones who don't own a home. Havent been able to and have had lots of flak about how much money we are throwing away by renting. However we don't have the enormous debt that they do. (just moderate):tongue_smilie:

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We own - if by "own" you mean make a payment to the bank every month instead of a landlord. Nearly 10 years ago we bought a 3/3 bedroom ranch style duplex. It was originally 2 beds each, but we remodeled some and changed some things around (odd layout - lots to work with). We also altered the middle so that it is open between the two sides. This allows us to operate our traditional Adult Family Home. Our residents live on the other side, share the home like an apartment, and we have our place on this side, but we all still have complete access/flow between sides for assistance and supervision (its like one really big house, but with privacy). It works out very nicely.


I think, somewhere down the road when we do move again, it will need to be paid for before we do it. I really can't stand paying the mortgage every month. It really bugs me.

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