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Phi Theta Kappa? anyone? Bueller? anyone? dd invited to join...


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My son is doing running start which is where they go to college and get college and high school credit. he joined Phi Beta Kappa this year he was invited when he got over a 3.5 I think GPA


Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Theta Kappa are two different organizations. Phi Theta Kappa is specific to 2 year colleges.

Phi Beta Kappa requires earning at minimum a Bachelor's degree.


I regularly nominate my top students for PTK.

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I was a member at my community college, and because of my membership, I was able to apply for free to my 4 year school. I wasn't very involved, but I know that the PTK group at the community college near me now is pretty active in sending people to conferences, has an agreement with (my school) a state university, etc.

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DS the older just got the invite to join, and we'll be signing him up for it. The DS of a friend who knocked off his gen. ed through the CC earned scholarship $$ through joining Phi Theta Kappa. Plus it is a good outside support of a high GPA for resumes, applications, etc. Here's to hoping for good things for all our DC who join! :) cheers, Lori D.

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My daughter joined Phi Theta Kappa last year, and she occasionally goes to meetings and events. It was a nice way for her to meet some academically motivated folks in the community college setting. She wasn't able to take advantage of the scholarship opportunities, since she didn't apply to schools as a transfer student.

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The chapter at the local cc has told DD that she may come to the first meeting and make up her mind later - - she is leaning towards joining as she is going to be applying to transfer to the local state u. after cc. Thanks for all the input here - I have passed it on to her. :-)

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