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Just a BAD week- my scary surgery today!


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Oh, my word! Thanks goodness you are going to be okay. What an ordeal that must have been for you. I'm so very glad you live in a place that you could get help so quickly.


Yes, I'm in a large city with many doctors. That's good, I guess. Really glad I caught them right before closing on Friday. A detached retina can lead to total blindness in a matter of days.



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Thanks! I think I should clarify that she went into my eyeball with needles from the side, not directly through the front of my lens or anything! No one could do that!


Is that supposed to make it not horrible and terrifying? You had NEEDLES in your EYEBALL in emergency surgery with no anesthesia. Take the accolades, TM. I would have been nothing but a puddle on the floor in your shoes.

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Is that supposed to make it not horrible and terrifying? You had NEEDLES in your EYEBALL in emergency surgery with no anesthesia. Take the accolades, TM. I would have been nothing but a puddle on the floor in your shoes.



Well, I imagined people might have thought she was approaching me from the front with me looking right at the needles.


No way. I couldn't see anything anyway, and my husband couldn't look.


From the side and if you don't know when, you can just "go to your happy place" as she said I did, when she saw me today.

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How are you feeling tonight?


Ok. I just have a huge black gas bubble in my right eye, so I can't see much down below (your brain reverses the image so the huge bubble is on top, but I see it filling my vision below my pupil). I have to stay upright for 10 days, so if anything falls on the floor...someone else has to pick it up!


The gas bubble will be reabsorbed but it will be 6 weeks. Just praying everything is fine and I can get through this time ok. I can't go to the gym either.


It could have been worse. At least I avoided the hospital.


Thanks for asking, Cat!

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I'm glad to hear that you're not in a lot of pain or anything, but that big black bubble must be pretty disconcerting!


Keep pretending that you're walking around with a book on top of your head, so you don't accidentally bend over. ;) It must be hard not to just bend over without thinking -- although I guess the huge black bubble is probably a constant reminder!


I hope the gas bubble reabsorbs sooner than they're predicting and that your vision returns to normal ASAP!


I'll keep praying for you. :grouphug:

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The librarian here had this happen to her about 8 months ago. I *think* it happened to both eyes at the same time?? One worse than the other, but I'm shaky on that detail. She was very proud of herself for having survived the needles in the eye - as I think that you should be too. I get that it's different when you go through it yourself than when watching it or hearing about it, but really, you deserve to be proud of yourself. You did survive something great and terrible and you've come out the other side.


I know how awful sleeping in a chair can be. When my ds7 was a baby he had terrible ear infections that never cleared up completely and he couldn't nurse nor lie flat, so I held him in the recliner night after night for 6-7-8 months - never fully sleeping but maybe an hour or two - him neither. The longing for your bed can be like a siren call.


I suggest you try books on tape/cd to help pass the time. Or, there are teaching lectures for free on every subject you can think of on the internet - a very nice forum member just sent me some great sources.



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The librarian here had this happen to her about 8 months ago. I *think* it happened to both eyes at the same time?? One worse than the other, but I'm shaky on that detail. She was very proud of herself for having survived the needles in the eye - as I think that you should be too. I get that it's different when you go through it yourself than when watching it or hearing about it, but really, you deserve to be proud of yourself. You did survive something great and terrible and you've come out the other side.


I know how awful sleeping in a chair can be. When my ds7 was a baby he had terrible ear infections that never cleared up completely and he couldn't nurse nor lie flat, so I held him in the recliner night after night for 6-7-8 months - never fully sleeping but maybe an hour or two - him neither. The longing for your bed can be like a siren call.


I suggest you try books on tape/cd to help pass the time. Or, there are teaching lectures for free on every subject you can think of on the internet - a very nice forum member just sent me some great sources.





Ewww! Both eyes at once! Shudder... At least I can see out of one and still navigate around, mostly. I have to be a lot more careful because I can't see below very well. You would have to have someone lead you around if it were both eyes. That poor woman! I hope she recovered completely.


Yes, I did NOT have a great night of sleep last night, but I am NEVER going through this again, God willing. I am going to stick it out. It was awful to not be able to turn on my side at all or sleep very well or long at a time.

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Is that supposed to make it not horrible and terrifying? You had NEEDLES in your EYEBALL in emergency surgery with no anesthesia. Take the accolades, TM. I would have been nothing but a puddle on the floor in your shoes.



Ha. Just today, my son's History teacher emailed that he would not be bringing the most disgusting "delicacies" (like head cheese) to the class tomorrow, but it would be in a week or so. I emailed him back (we are on a chatty basis) that my son could totally man up and handle head cheese, because I just had emergency eye surgery with no anesthetic and he was MY SON. ;) I told him I was looking forward to the reports of the class reaction to the foods. He enjoys grossing them out.

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Ewww! Both eyes at once! Shudder... At least I can see out of one and still navigate around, mostly. I have to be a lot more careful because I can't see below very well. You would have to have someone lead you around if it were both eyes. That poor woman! I hope she recovered completely.


Yes, I did NOT have a great night of sleep last night, but I am NEVER going through this again, God willing. I am going to stick it out. It was awful to not be able to turn on my side at all or sleep very well or long at a time.




Well, not "Like" really, but I do like your attitude. :) :grouphug:


I think she sees okay, not perfect, but good.

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Wow! I just saw this! You win the prize for enduring the most. That freaks me totally out.....Good for you for getting through it. Did they at least give you some valium?



No! I asked for morphine, a sedative...anything. Then I found a pill left in my purse from a surgery some time ago, which I stuck in there and forgot about. It takes a half hour to kick in, so she was done by then.


I didn't even get the pot brownies I asked for.... :laugh:

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Holy cow are you brave!!! I'm shuddering thinking about your surgery. I can touch my own eye, but I really struggle with others touching it. WOW. JUST. WOW.


Praying for healing for you, oh Amazing One! ;)





Now if only my kids thought I was remotely ok, rather than "amazing", I'd be happy.

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Just seeing this right now. All I can think is OMG OMG OMG while hyperventilating. Yowza! Hoping and praying everything heals up nicely.



I did do a little hyperventilating while she was telling me what she was going to do, before I told her to just STOP. Then I went pacing outside, while she told me husband.


I was reminded why I decided to go another direction besides medical school, which I had briefly considered.

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