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10th grade planning thread

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What I have planned for my dyslexic dd for 10th grade:


math - finish MUS Geometry and start MUS Algebra II (probably around Christmas)


English - not sure here, probably do Crash Course literature because she'll do anything that Hank and/or John Green put online and then have her do a lot of writing. Creative writing is a passion of hers and she completed a full novel for NaNoWriMo and it was actually quite good.


history - I want to do world history, but I need something video-based. We have been using Hippocampus this year for US history and it has been great. I haven't found something video-based for world history that she will do (aside from Crash Course world history, but that would require LOTS of supplementation). She couldn't stand the videos on Annenburg media (learner.org).


science - Conceptual Chemistry (probably supplementing with Crash Course chemistry, but they just started that series)


personal finance? - she will do it at some point, Dave Ramsey's course


health - I really want her to do a year of learning about healthy habits/food choices, but I don't know what I'm going to use for this. I think something video-based would probably be best. I need something that goes deep into why you ought to eat more fruits and vegetables without making her unable to eat the very few things that she will currently eat.


electives - continue with guitar, banjo, and voice, maybe adding in mandolin

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So far I'm happy with how the year has gone. I did overestimate in a couple of instances how quickly ds would be able to move through material, so I've had to slow down a bit. I may have him work some in the summer to finish up what I originally had planned, I'm not sure.


I've only vaguely thought about next year, what I'm thinking so far:


Integrated Math II (continuing with Discovering Mathematics)

Arabic II (using al-Kitaab, vol 2 -- I have been pleased with how vol 1 has worked out)

English II (continue with Vocab from Classical Roots, Analytical Grammar review, WWS 2 if it's out?,

something for logic? (we are doing Workbook for Arguments this year)

World History II - Renaissance (using SWB's book if it's out? and Teaching Co lectures)

Astronomy, 1 sem (not sure what book, Teaching Co lectures)

Geology, 1 sem (not sure what book, Teaching Co lectures)

Middle Eastern Studies II

Renaissance Lit, 1/2 credit




We enjoyed it so much I feel compelled to share: The Early Middle Ages, The High Middle Ages and The Late Middle Ages lectures by Philip Daileader via the Teaching Company.


This is what we're doing this year, and will hopefully continue next year -- SWB's book and Prof Daileader's lectures. Ds has really enjoyed both.

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We found a happy medium that might work for you. We combined Zumdahl's Introductory Chemistry A Foundation with Chang Chemistry 9th Edition. Most of the problem sets we do are from Zumdahl, she reads the Zumdahl but she will also read the Changs for many topics and at least looks over the examples (sometimes we dip into the problems there as well). With careful shopping we were able to pick up both texts and solution manuals, plus a student study guide for the Chang book, for a total of about $60.00).


Zumdahl gets to the heart of it, provides ample practice. Chang's book allows for elaboration that can actually clarify a lot and serves as a great reference book. Sam Kean's The Disappearing Spoon, Napoleon's Buttons, Johnson's Invention of Air....are just a few really fun reads as well.


Nscribe, would you mind putting a copy of this post into the main chemistry thread? I think there are many who would find this information to be helpful.

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When people ask me about homeschooling high school...what is the hardest...I always say it is working with teens.


They are great and the next moment they are unbearable. One seasoned mom in the area always compares it to potty training, necessary to get on with more independence in life but an adult must be there to guide, bribe, celebrate and clean up the mess.

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Truer words were never spoken!!


Sorry for the empty post above....

This is hilarious....and makes me feel so much better in one hand to know I'm not in this alone, on another hand it freaks me out to think of what the future holds with 2 entering high school in fall. This year has been challenging enough-with dd being in 9th and an emotional basket case/over achiever with severe math insecurities. Ds enters 9th in fall and he is the lazy procrastinator. They are on such separate planes!


I'm totally going to keep this thread handy for reference and for encouragement throughout the year. Love the potty training analogy as ds was a toughie to conquer, I guess he's gonna give me a run for my money in HS as well. And here I thought once PT was done it was all easy street?!?! 😜

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  • 2 years later...

I didn't think that I would be planning again, but here I am! We homeschooled from 4th-8th, and then ds enrolled in our state's online high school. For many, many reasons, it is the worst school experience that I/we have ever had. We are just counting down the days until it is over! 



Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings - ds really dislikes literature and tends to take things literally. I hope that this will gently help him understand how to do some basic literary analysis.

IEW - ds is a good writer, but excruciatingly slow. He even requested that we work on speeding him up! He also needs help with organizing the answer/paragraph/paper before he begins writing. I think that I will use the IEW techniques to help him with the LLfLotR's writing assignments.

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series - just for review!



Saxon Algebra 2 with Virtual Homeschool Group and/or Art Reed - ds has not done Saxon before, but it would be perfect for his learning style. Since Saxon is different and he has some catching up to do on some of the geometry, I got the Algebra 1 book to use as review this summer. I hope that it works out.



Physical Science with Derek Owens - Even though ds took (is taking now actually) biology in 9th, I think he needs more science foundation before taking a heavy chemistry or physics class. The biology is through the terrible online ps he is currently enrolled in, and he is learning next to nothing. The reason I picked Derek Owens is because of the way he does the note taking. ds is lacking note-taking skills and Derek Owens provides an outline that the student fills in as he watches the video lecture. I really think that ds needs that hand holding for notes as much as he needs the content of the class. If he likes it, I will continue with the physics class next.



US History - ds doesn't much care for US History so I'm trying to keep this fairly light. I was planning on using America: the Story of Us book and videos, Crash Course videos, Lies My Teacher Told Me, Critical Thinking in US History, and various documentaries as needed. 


Foreign Language

Russian with tutor - I really hope this goes well. ds is so passionate about wanting to learn the language!


Elective - Computer Programming

Various online Python and/or Java classes/MOOC's. Possibly a raspberry pi project. ds has already gone through two introductory Python classes. He may stick with that language or move over to Java since that seems to be the popular language to know know. Also, if he wants to ever try the AP test, that is what they use.



private lessons


Obviously, nothing is in stone yet! :-)

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10th grade! Argghhh, we are a term into year 9. DS14's brain seems to have dribbled out his ears. He can't even sit up in a chair, let alone hold a pen. He is an IT genius one minute and brain-dead zombie the next. And the nice lady from the Board of Studies will be here to reregister us in a month. How long till it gets better?

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Ah, the planning thread. I thought how much I'm going to miss being a part of those, then I realized this one is from 2013 and I started it.  :lol: What a wild year that was. 


I love reading what everyone is doing too.In many ways, it was a defining academic year for ds. 

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Ah, the planning thread. I thought how much I'm going to miss being a part of those, then I realized this one is from 2013 and I started it.  :lol: What a wild year that was. 


I love reading what everyone is doing too.In many ways, it was a defining academic year for ds. 


For a second, I couldn't figure out what I was thinking. That plan isn't at all what I'm planning for my 10th grader. Then I realized - wrong child. :)

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I'm really in the thick of it now. Final plans are coming together. We are subscribing to Homeschool Connections Unlimited Plan, and I intend to use/build around some of their coursework.


Math: Pre-Calculus (Chalkdust), alongside LoF Advanced Algebra and Geometry. We also have AoPS as a reference (ds likes the explanations...not the problems) SAT Math 2 exam


English Comp: WTMA course alongside The Magic Lens and Word within the Word, continue with Killgallon.


Literature: Figuratively Speaking, PP Poetry Book, lots of American Lit (some to read, some to study, and some to write about), SAT Subject Test Prep for literature. Some MCT resources here, too.


History: Advanced US History (K12 The American Odyssey), with several HC courses. This is still under development/refining by me, some MCT resources here, too. Possibly CLEP Exam and SAT Subject exam


Science: Advanced Chemistry using Homeschool Connections and the college text it's aligned to. A lot of labs. SAT Subject exam and AP exam


Russian: Golosa with online interactive from Pearson and local tutor.


Robotics (at the high school)


Digital Photography (at the high school






Competitive Swimming


Finishing the Eagle project early fall.


Lots of tests next year...PSAT, and ACT with writing in the fall. In some ways, this is our biggest year. If we make it, 11th and 12th will be less complicated and more fun (not necessarily easier, because he'll be starting Calc...and other courses aren't easier), but most of his required tests and courses will be done.

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Dd is just finishing up 10th grade.  This is what her program has looked like this year:


World History: post reformation to present

World Literature: Scott Foresman

vocab: Word Roots

grammar and writing:  SAT/ACT prep for grammar and lots of writing for history and literature

science: genetics

Spanish:  Spanish 2

Math: finished geometry 1st semester, started Algebra 2 second semester




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