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Social Group: Expecting Moms!


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How far along are you? 21 weeks 4 days

Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Boy!

Have you talked names yet? Lucas Blainey (middle name is Dh's grandpas middle name)

Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Not much, waiting till after the baby shower. Baby will be sleeping in our room so no nursery.

How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? I had one about a week ago and everything is going good. I started having braxton hicks contractions yesterday so I am a little concerned about that...

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How far along are you? 21 weeks 4 days

Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Boy!

Have you talked names yet? Lucas Blainey (middle name is Dh's grandpas middle name)

Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Not much, waiting till after the baby shower. Baby will be sleeping in our room so no nursery.

How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? I had one about a week ago and everything is going good. I started having braxton hicks contractions yesterday so I am a little concerned about that...


Did you have early BH with your other kids? They tend to start earlier each pregnancy. 21 weeks is totally normal for me to have BH starting up.

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Did you have early BH with your other kids? They tend to start earlier each pregnancy. 21 weeks is totally normal for me to have BH starting up.


Nope, that is why I am a little concerned. I have never had BH before 32ish weeks before. I probally over did it a few days ago so I am just trying to sit and relax more. I had to take a long bath yesterday to get them to stop.

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Nope, that is why I am a little concerned. I have never had BH before 32ish weeks before. I probally over did it a few days ago so I am just trying to sit and relax more. I had to take a long bath yesterday to get them to stop.


Ah, gotcha. Yup, lots of water and rest. I was right there with you on the hot bath to slow things down yesterday!

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Great idea for a group!



How far along are you? 16.5 weeks


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Don't know yet, but will find out in roughly 4 weeks.


Have you talked names yet? Yes. I think we may have settled on names, but don't hold me to that!


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) No. I wait until I know the gender. We don't have a nursery. We live in a 2bdr house. Our other 3 children share the other room. Baby will likely sleep with us for at least the first 2 years.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? My last appt. was my first appt. It went fine. Normal initial screening.


Couple of questions just for fun:


How far a long were you when you started to wear maternity clothes? I've been showing since 8 weeks. Maternity clothes(well pants and skirts) since about 12 weeks.


Did you show more for your 2nd, 3rs, etc. pregnancies? I've shown about the same with every pregnancy except my first. I didn't show at all that time until I was nearly 18 weeks pregnant.


If you have 3 or more kids and are pregnant, what do you tell people who comment about will you have more or "you got your hands full" kind of statements? Yes. I currently have a 7yo, a 5yo, and a 2yo. I don't like those sorts of comments, and I try to be polite most of the time when they ask them, but it's hard.

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If you have 3 or more kids and are pregnant, what do you tell people who comment about will you have more or "you got your hands full" kind of statements? Yes. I currently have a 7yo, a 5yo, and a 2yo. I don't like those sorts of comments, and I try to be polite most of the time when they ask them, but it's hard.


Same kid ages here! Surprisingly, I get more comments about how the other person could never homeschool than the baby. But people also don't rub my belly. I think I give off try-it-and-die vibes.

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Same kid ages here! Surprisingly, I get more comments about how the other person could never homeschool than the baby. But people also don't rub my belly. I think I give off try-it-and-die vibes.


I was a server throughout my entire first pregnancy and for 6 months of my 2nd. I was appalled by how many customers would unabashedly reach out and rub my belly! It was hard to bit my tongue about it, because I still wanted a good tip!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How's everyone doing? I finally called and have my first appointment set up for next Wed. I'll have an ultrasound first and then see the doc. I'll be 10 weeks by then. DH is trying to decide if he wants to come. It doesn't bother me if he doesn't come.

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How's everyone doing? I finally called and have my first appointment set up for next Wed. I'll have an ultrasound first and then see the doc. I'll be 10 weeks by then. DH is trying to decide if he wants to come. It doesn't bother me if he doesn't come.



Doing alright here! Just hit 35 weeks, and I'm pretty much ready to be done.


Still having to prick my finger, but since my numbers have been totally normal, I only have to do it 2x a day rather than 4x now... my fingers are relieved.


Sadly I don't have any girls stuff yet, so at some point we need to go buy at least a little bit so she isn't wearing all her big brother's old clothes! I feel so unprepared!

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I'm 19 weeks tomorrow. In a little over a week we'll find out the gender. My dds are *very* excited to find out. We still haven't cleared out the guest room that will become the nursery, but I'm hoping to get to it soon.


You and I are only days apart. :) I'll be 19 weeks on Wednesday.

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21 weeks 4 days here. I had to have 2 ultrasounds this month because they thought they saw something on the first one. Everything is good though. Phew. I'm having a girl! I got double confirmation on that. Ive been busily decluttering the house, writing to do lists, and making baby items.


Anyone knitting or sewing items for their little one?

I knit some slippers and I'm finishing up a vest. I also made 2 boppy type pillows that need covers. Up next is diaper changing pads and a wool sleep sack for winter.


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21 weeks 4 days here. I had to have 2 ultrasounds this month because they thought they saw something on the first one. Everything is good though. Phew. I'm having a girl! I got double confirmation on that. Ive been busily decluttering the house, writing to do lists, and making baby items.


Anyone knitting or sewing items for their little one?

I knit some slippers and I'm finishing up a vest. I also made 2 boppy type pillows that need covers. Up next is diaper changing pads and a wool sleep sack for winter.



I would if I had that skill set... sadly my little girl won't have much of anything at first. :)


Had my little man Friday!!!! Zachary Nathan is 6 lbs 9oz and 19.5 inches long! We got home last night and are enjoying a quiet morning with only 1 kid!




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Had my little man Friday!!!! Zachary Nathan is 6 lbs 9oz and 19.5 inches long! We got home last night and are enjoying a quiet morning with only 1 kid!







21 weeks 4 days here. I had to have 2 ultrasounds this month because they thought they saw something on the first one. Everything is good though. Phew. I'm having a girl! I got double confirmation on that. Ive been busily decluttering the house, writing to do lists, and making baby items.


Anyone knitting or sewing items for their little one?

I knit some slippers and I'm finishing up a vest. I also made 2 boppy type pillows that need covers. Up next is diaper changing pads and a wool sleep sack for winter.



I totally would, you know, if I could actually knit or sew. :p Jealous of those who can!

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21 weeks 4 days here. I had to have 2 ultrasounds this month because they thought they saw something on the first one. Everything is good though. Phew. I'm having a girl! I got double confirmation on that. Ive been busily decluttering the house, writing to do lists, and making baby items.


Anyone knitting or sewing items for their little one?

I knit some slippers and I'm finishing up a vest. I also made 2 boppy type pillows that need covers. Up next is diaper changing pads and a wool sleep sack for winter.


I wish I could knit! I would love to be able to make some things for baby.

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I'm itching to sew something for my boy! Guess a trip to JoAnne's is on my agenda soon. Of course the best I can do is some blankets and bibs. Anything with a straight line. LOL

I'm 30w today. Had a baby shower Saturday and it was amazing. I was a little bit embarrassed. This is number 7 for us, but only my 2nd biological child. I also had some devastating losses in the last year or so. My friends at church wanted to celebrate this guy so I agreed to a shower. I brought home a whole SUV worth of stuff. We even got our new travel system since ours was 7 years old. Gifted to us anonymously. Received a few other bigger ticket items and lots of clothes, blankets, and DIAPERS! So very excited! I have a few more things to get, but we are well on our way.

My biggest complaint right now is maternity shirts. I'm a big girl anyway and don't really want to show off my new, ahem, curves that much. The nicest shirt I could find for my shower left hardly anything to the imagination and had me apologizing to the front row most of the time I was opening presents. I was really worried about a wardrobe malfunction. LOL I just don't know why they have to be so low cut!!

I start my twice a week appts. with the high risk Dr. next week, I think and I've already started my every two weeks appointments with my OB. In May I will be going to the OB every week so three DR. appointments a week. May is going to fly by. LOL

I've only gained 15 pounds total so I'm thrilled with that. Gideon is ALWAYS hungry! I thought for sure I'd gain 100 pounds with him. LOL

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I had my first apt today. Had to wait 45 min past my apt time to see the ultrasound tech. :glare: Not sure what was going on back there. 15 min with her and then 2 min with the OB. By dates I'm 10 weeks but the baby is measuring 9 weeks. I was so hoping to be out of the first trimester in 2 weeks. Due date is Oct 28. My next apt is in 2 weeks and I'll do all the blood work & such. Still feeling blah by the end of the day. Been getting into bed to lay down around 7 every night. DH wants to wait a bit to tell the kids.

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