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chipped tooth question


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Dd9 just chipped one of her brand new permanent teeth. :crying: We are traveling and won't be home until next week. We called the local dentist's office. He is out of the office this week. The receptionist said that there wasn't really anything to do but wait and see. The chip took about 1/8 of an inch off the front of the tooth. It is sensitive right now (the receptionisht said that would go away). What can be done about this? If we are going to do something to fix it (fill it or cap it or whatever needs to be done), do we need to do it now or can it wait until we are home? I'm afraid if it is left the way it is the back half will chip easily or she'll get a cavity because the enamel is gone.

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Well, I know its been years since I chipped my tooth as a kid but at that time nothing was done. There was a lot of pain in the beginning which did go away in a day or two. After that I had to wait til I was well into my teens(think around 17) so that my permanent tooth would be fully grown when it was capped- At least by my senior yearbook pic the cap was in place not noticeable at all:) Who knows nowadays maybe they keep giving you new caps as your tooth grows but back then you just lived with it til your tooth was fully "adult size" before capping it.


All that too say -I dont think waiting til you get back will make any difference. Sorry to hear she chipped her tooth. I still remember the pain of the air getting up to the nerve as it was exposed. But let her know the pain did go away in pretty quick time.

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If you can indeed see the dentin (the darker, yellow inside under enamel) it will be sensitive to drinks, etc. It will need to be addressed to prevent a cavity in the long run, etc. but you don't have to treat it immediately. Many times a dentist will want to wait and see what other traumas the tooth as suffered. Sometimes, it can take days or weeks before a hairline fracture in the root, bone area is evident via xray. So, even if you were home, your dentist would more than likely put a "patch" to aid with sensititivity and then wait and monitor it a couple of weeks.

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When I was 18 I fell and chipped a huge and noticable chunk out of the corner of one of my front teeth (not the very front one but the one next to it on the left). I never had it fixed and I have never developed a cavity in it. It only caused me pain due to how I broke it (face meet concrete...so bruising and swelling) but otherwise no sensitivity. I grind my teeth in my sleep, so now at 35 I can hardly see it anymore b/c I have ground it almost flat.

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Thanks for your replies. I'm glad it isn't something that needs to be done right away. We can see the dentin, so I'll want to get something done. It's silly. It is just a tooth, but I actually cried over it (after my Dd left the room). We'll go to the dentist when we get home and do what needs to be done.

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Thanks for your replies. I'm glad it isn't something that needs to be done right away. We can see the dentin, so I'll want to get something done. It's silly. It is just a tooth, but I actually cried over it (after my Dd left the room). We'll go to the dentist when we get home and do what needs to be done.




FWIW, I don't think it's silly.

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Thanks for your replies. I'm glad it isn't something that needs to be done right away. We can see the dentin, so I'll want to get something done. It's silly. It is just a tooth, but I actually cried over it (after my Dd left the room). We'll go to the dentist when we get home and do what needs to be done.




FWIW, I don't think it's silly.




I agree that it isn't silly.


I chipped one of my front teeth (upper) about a year ago and while it was a teeny chip, it made me misty-eyed for a while. I felt so stupid, but there you have it.



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Dd9 just chipped one of her brand new permanent teeth. :crying: We are traveling and won't be home until next week. We called the local dentist's office. He is out of the office this week. The receptionist said that there wasn't really anything to do but wait and see. The chip took about 1/8 of an inch off the front of the tooth. It is sensitive right now (the receptionisht said that would go away). What can be done about this? If we are going to do something to fix it (fill it or cap it or whatever needs to be done), do we need to do it now or can it wait until we are home? I'm afraid if it is left the way it is the back half will chip easily or she'll get a cavity because the enamel is gone.



I did this when I was 7 - only it was both of my front teeth. They suggested caps and my mother freaked - she was afraid I'd fall sometime and ram them up into my gums or some such thing - I don't think that can happen, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I don't have caps to this day, I have pieces that they "glue" on to make my teeth look normal - it's much cheaper than caps and lasts about 5 years before having to have it redone. Usually the reason it has to be redone is because I've done something, like eat hard candy or bite into a pitted olive or my toddler hits me with his head.

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