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Exercise Thread ~ 2/10-2/16


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Thursday: After eating an early Valentine's Day supper with dh I was not sure what I could do without feeling sick. Dh had to go in for the night shift at the hospital at 7:00 p.m. and by that time all the classes were finished at the rec. center.


Since there were only 2 or 3 other people on the machines, I opted to try jogging on the treadmill for the first time. What a difference from the elliptical! I jogged 1.75 miles at about 3.8-4 mph for about 30 minutes. But I had to stop jogging periodically and do some power walking (3.7 mph) just to keep my heart rate under 150 and my joints from screaming at me. Sheesh, I thought I was doing so good on the elliptical but obviously I wasn't using certain muscles. My bum is hurting! Definitely going to do more of that.

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I started kettlebell today. I did day 1 of Lauren Brooks', Kettlebell for Women.


How do you like kettle ball? I haven't tried it yet.



I am so sorry :(. Give me a little time and I'll do my best to get back to you soon. Lots going on here and lots of stress that I'm dealing with. So far, 2013 stinks. But then again, so did 2012. Sorry to complain.



Negin, don't worry about it. I know with time my body will heal again. I hope things take a turn for the better for you soon.



Yesterday I had to squeeze exercise in between school (which ran late-----we did a lot of science) and getting dd to ballet. I had an hour to work out and shower etc. I was so frustrated! I did like 1/3 of NMTZ, skipping around a lot.




That happens to me all the time. It's okay. Some days are off and some days are better. Just remind yourself that even 5 minutes is beneficial.


I did nothing yesterday. Took ds to the doctor and when I got home I felt drained and my stomach hurt.


This morning I woke to my neck and shoulders hurting but I worked out anyway. I did day 2 of BeFit 90. I plan to go through the whole 90 days.

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Short and Sweet Yoga #1, 15 min, Baby woke up. Will try to do the other half but we will see we will be out of the house today. Still planning to do bodyweight circuit this afternoon. My shoulders are always toasty after the chaturangas so I have to wait until later in the day.

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Will be going for a swim in the ocean in about an hour or so.


swimming in the afternoon. Negin, swimming in the ocean sounds very nice. Now I'm having happy thoughts about laying on a beach and listening to the ocean.

Kim, yes, I love swimming and yoga.

I miss running so very much, but will not be able to really do that anymore. I'm almost 45 and don't want to risk any further damage to my knees.


Negin, don't worry about it. I know with time my body will heal again. I hope things take a turn for the better for you soon.

Kleine Hexe, thank you so much. Things are getting a tiny bit better, but it may still be too soon to tell. Thank you. If you want, I can still try to find any info that I have. I hope you feel better very soon.

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Negin I'm sorry to read your having a down time, you are such an inspiration to everyone with your inspirational spirit.


I never did finish my yoga video or do bodyweight circuit. I did get in a 15 min walk w/ my friend at her house. By the time I got home it was time to cook supper and then it was time to get ready for bed. No yoga today, hoping to do bodyweight this evening. This am I've got to clean house and am hoping tomorrow is nice enough to get in a nice family walk or bike ride.

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Is jogging on a treadmill different from jogging on a path (actually going somewhere)? Do you use different muscles for either of those? I'm wondering because I have some interesting soreness that came from jogging on the treadmill a couple days ago. I don't remember ever getting this when jogging in the park. However, it has been several years since I've jogged in the park and I'm not young anymore.

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I only walk on the treadmill (quite fast, though). I notice that I seem to use a different set of muscles on the treadmill than when I walk outside. Our neighborhood has gently rolling hills which does more for me than changing the treadmill's incline.



Today: NMTZ again. I've decided to not stress about how much of the workout I can do each day. If I only have a short amount of time I'll do the first 3 or 4 circuits, then do the last 3 or 4 circuits the next short day. But today I had enough time to do all :party:

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