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Why am I so torn about getting a Kindle???

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I just wanted to join in on the Kindle love. My dh got me a Kindle Fire last week, but my kids won't let me use it. They want to read their books on it all the time, in the car, in bed at night. So one of my kids just bought herself a Kindle Paperwhite that should be here tomorrow.


One other cool feature is that when my kids are reading and they don't know the meaning of a word, you just touch the word and the definition pops up.


And that Yesterday's Classics sale is still going on. $49.95 for 225 books. If you are doing a CM education or using Ambleside, it is totally worth it. It also comes with a guide that lists all the books by level, another list that lists them by title, by author, and by genre, as well as a small description for each book. It makes planning a CM year so easy! Love it.

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I was resistant as well but then my book loving niece got one and was hooked. I had a ton of points from amazon so. Got a Kindle keyboard for free. I loved it! I also loved that it doubles as an mp3player. I put a bunch of audiobooks on it for my so, along with music.


I did at times get a bad ebook, but they were always free ones so it was no biggie.



Then I got my iPad and I got over the kindle and love it! I always read on my iPad now. I can access ebooks from my library sooooo easily. I no longer get free books from Amazon. I love having a backlit screen.



I still read books, buti find the larger print and lit screen easier to see. I use the kindle solely for audiobooks now.

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I can only find them form 99$. Do you have a link to the sale?





It is slightly a pain to get them onto your Kindle. There are directions for you. You have to download the zip files onto your computer, unzip them, then send the books as an email attachment to your Kindle. I could only attach about 10 books at a time, so it took a while. Then the books are stored in your documents folder on your Kindle, not in your books folder. Not a big deal. When you go to your documents, you will see them listed in alphabetical order. When you click on a title in your documents folder, they appear just like a book from the book folder would. 225 books took 6% of the storage space in my documents folder.


I printed out the guide to the books, made a cover page, and stapled it together with a heavy duty stapler. It is pretty awesome. I think the guide is my favorite part!


Hope that helps!

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We bought a kindle for my dd1 thinking she will use it mostly when we travel as she loves to read. It has been such a great buy. Like others have said, I have been able to download loads of books on it. she even plays some games on it- we bought the kindle touch. Now we are travelling and because of the kindle, I know we will not have to carry a whole bunch of books to entertain them. she sleeps with it most nights and we are going to but one for dd2 on her next birthday. We have not had any issues with it although she has only had it for over 1 year.

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ETA: I can't seem to add this ETA at the bottom, so I'll edit at the top. 2 reasons you should NOT buy a Kindle: 1. Games/kid stuff (other than reading.) Buy an iPod Touch or iPad. 2. College textbooks. Not worth it. Too many professors want you to go directly to a certain page or a certain area, and Kindle navigation is very different from flipping through a text. Maybe if you are working on a literature degree or something, but it didn't work out so well for dh's accounting books.


I've had a Kindle and a Kindle Paperwhite. The Kindle was great, I loved it, etc. It broke after a year (They do that. Buy the extended warranty.) so dh gave me a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas last year. WOW. If you love old books, the Paperwhite is the way to go.


Normally I have to read classics with 3 reference books nearby: an old (from 1911) dictionary, a new OED, and a Brewer's. The Paperwhite replaces all of that. When I don't know what a word is, I touch it. If it's an uncommon phrase which doesn't show up, I just click "search Wikipedia." If it is a foreign phrase, I click "translate." This is all done in a tiny popup window in the page I'm reading, so it isn't distracting at all and I'm able to touch it again to close it out. I was able to do most of that with my regular Kindle but it was a pain in the behind because you had to click "up" and "over" until you got to the word so I usually didn't bother. With the Paperwhite, it's just right there.



Plus, it's very pretty in its custom case. :D 6193HC4JxBL.jpg

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I felt the same way... like I was setting in stone the end of the book era. LOL. What did it for me was the endless hours of nursing when DD2 was born, and holding a Kindle is quite a bit easier than holding a book in that situation. I still like regular books for many reasons. Anything that I want to page through to just find information, like TWTM, I want it in a real book. Really, any reference book should be in its paper form, I think. Novels and other things you read once through, the Kindle works great. It has also reduced the amount the amount of late fees we owe the library with digital lending. :)

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