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Vegetables for breakfast? how do you prepare them?

Joan in GE

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Greek omelet -tomato, spinach, and feta

Breakfast burrito with peppers, onions, mushrooms and homemade salsa

I'm more of a fruit eater in the morning, but I don't mind those two menu items at breakfast. I also add spinach to my smoothies.

ETA: I just realized that this thread is old. Also, I don't think anyone mentioned ful if you like "breakfast beans." Almost like a warm breakfast hummus and you can serve veggies on top.

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Has everyone given up on eating vegetables over the summer?  Are we all excited about the fall vegetables that should be hitting the markets soon? 


Check in with your new vegetable recipes and meals!


Amy - thanks for bringing this up!


I confess I did terribly this summer...without this thread, veggies somehow lost priority again.


But I just made a big step in the right direction this morning; I stopped at the green market on the way back from driving ds to the train station and my fridge is full of veggies now - so no excuse :-).


At a Malaysian Nonya restaurant recently I had this Eggplant with fresh chillies that was soooooo delicious! I've been looking online and see it called Eggplant Sambal or Brinjal Sambal, etc...After I try some of these recipes, I'll post a good one...


Thanks again!


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Greek omelet -tomato, spinach, and feta

Breakfast burrito with peppers, onions, mushrooms and homemade salsa

I'm more of a fruit eater in the morning, but I don't mind those two menu items at breakfast. I also add spinach to my smoothies.

ETA: I just realized that this thread is old. Also, I don't think anyone mentioned ful if you like "breakfast beans." Almost like a warm breakfast hummus and you can serve veggies on top.


Your omelet sounds good!

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Greek omelet -tomato, spinach, and feta

Breakfast burrito with peppers, onions, mushrooms and homemade salsa

I'm more of a fruit eater in the morning, but I don't mind those two menu items at breakfast. I also add spinach to my smoothies.

ETA: I just realized that this thread is old. Also, I don't think anyone mentioned ful if you like "breakfast beans." Almost like a warm breakfast hummus and you can serve veggies on top.


I'm resurrecting this thread because I loved it so much the first time around.  It's a zombie thread in a good way.  :)  And what luck!  I have everything I need for your Greek omelet already in my fridge and since I haven't had breakfast yet I think I'll have that.  More like brunch now but I'll report in this afternoon with a review. 


I'm noticing pumpkin at the stores now so I'm going to grab some and try out a few muffin recipes using it.  Anyone have a fantastic one they want to share with me?


(Joan - do you have pumpkin in Switzerland?  I seem to remember it being an American plant but I could be wrong.)

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I'm resurrecting this thread because I loved it so much the first time around.  It's a zombie thread in a good way.  :)  And what luck!  I have everything I need for your Greek omelet already in my fridge and since I haven't had breakfast yet I think I'll have that.  More like brunch now but I'll report in this afternoon with a review. 


I'm noticing pumpkin at the stores now so I'm going to grab some and try out a few muffin recipes using it.  Anyone have a fantastic one they want to share with me?


(Joan - do you have pumpkin in Switzerland?  I seem to remember it being an American plant but I could be wrong.)


Hi Amy :-)


Yes, we do have pumpkins here, though not all the same types of squash as in the US, though they are slowly making their way over - as Europe doesn't have the same restrictions on plant movement as the US (I guess since they're attached to Asia).


Pumpkin soup is great too - I'll have to dig out the recipe.


I forgot to say that I did pick up one good veggie habit this summer when in the US where I could get celery hearts cheaply and easily (the celery here tends to be quite bitter- though I've learned to soak it in water which helps a bit)...


I put about five stalks of celery in a vase in the morning and sometimes eat them for breakfast or grab them as a snack when in the kitchen - sometimes eating almonds at the same time....simple and healthy (I'd lost a few pounds in the US and thought it might partly be due to eating all that celery :-))...


Happy veg eating today!


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Ethel - please come back and tell us about your beets for breakfast!  :)


KungFuPanda - loved the Greek omelet.  The feta made it fantastic. 


Joan - DD loves celery and peanut butter as a snack.  If you add raisins then its called 'ants on a log'. 


DH and I just bought a blender and he made us smoothies for breakfast today ... no veggies in it today but he mentioned trying to add some carrots tomorrow so I might have him on the veg kick too. 

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i glanced at this thread and then ignored it for a long time, but friday, a friend of mine posted this, which links to a paleo breakfast sandwich.  it looked SO GOOD to me!  So saturday I got up and made (gfcf but NOT paleo lol) biscuits and turkey bacon and make the boys scrambled eggs with daiya cheese and gave them sandwiches (they had to rush off to martial arts w dh), then ran out to the farmers market hoping for some spinach or chard.  The only greens I found were kale (NOT what i wanted) and a mix of young spicy greens. Another customer tasted a leaf and said "oh, really spicy!"


I took a small bag of them (she didnt even charge me), came home and fried a bit of onion, added the shredded greens, a drop of vinegar and a bit of water, and cooked maybe 10 minutes?   Then I scrambled up the last bit of egg mix for myself and OMG that was the MOST YUMMY breakfast I'd had in a long time!!

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i glanced at this thread and then ignored it for a long time, but friday, a friend of mine posted this, which links to a paleo breakfast sandwich.  it looked SO GOOD to me!  So saturday I got up and made (gfcf but NOT paleo lol) biscuits and turkey bacon and make the boys scrambled eggs with daiya cheese and gave them sandwiches (they had to rush off to martial arts w dh), then ran out to the farmers market hoping for some spinach or chard.  The only greens I found were kale (NOT what i wanted) and a mix of young spicy greens. Another customer tasted a leaf and said "oh, really spicy!"


I took a small bag of them (she didnt even charge me), came home and fried a bit of onion, added the shredded greens, a drop of vinegar and a bit of water, and cooked maybe 10 minutes?   Then I scrambled up the last bit of egg mix for myself and OMG that was the MOST YUMMY breakfast I'd had in a long time!!



Mmmmm.  Those look great.  I think that's something my DH would love because he likes a bit more substantial of a breakfast than I do.  I don't know that I've ever had young spicy greens but now I'm going to hunt them down.


On an unrelated note - I ended up at three stores today looking for beets and couldn't find them at any of them.  Is there some sort of tragic beet shortage going on that I'm unaware of?!?!

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oh, thats terrible - i saw beets at whole foods on wed . . . I dont think they had them at the market yet though.  


I too found it horrible but when I related my utter sadness over the situation to DD she didn't seem as heartbroken as I was over no beets for breakfast. 



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Ethel - please come back and tell us about your beets for breakfast!  :)


Yes - please do!

The only greens I found were kale (NOT what i wanted)


and a mix of young spicy greens. Another customer tasted a leaf and said "oh, really spicy!"


I took a small bag of them (she didnt even charge me), came home and fried a bit of onion, added the shredded greens, a drop of vinegar and a bit of water, and cooked maybe 10 minutes?   Then I scrambled up the last bit of egg mix for myself and OMG that was the MOST YUMMY breakfast I'd had in a long time!!


Those spicy greens sound great!


The other day - ds stir fried some frizzy lettuce with garlic thinking it was the escarole, which was in another bag, and served it with bean soup - really outstanding and better than the escarole which we made the next day.


Oh - Kale is what I want! Amy - we don't have kale here (unless someone brings it from some unknown place - I've seen it just once in 22 years)


ETA (I mistyped at first EAT :-)) - those breakfast sandwiches look great too!


oh, thats terrible - i saw beets at whole foods on wed . . . I dont think they had them at the market yet though.  


I'm going to see if the same applies here...


Here's a video link to a ful recipe. This is the easiest one I've seen, and it adds some chickpeas, but you'll get the basic idea. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you like, but it's a filling, protein-packed vegetarian/vegan breakfast.



Those look good for lunch!




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Thats basically a bowl of beans?


She? said to put veggies on top :-) but I like beans more for lunch...but there were others who were putting beans with their veggies for breakfast...


I don't think anyone mentioned ful if you like "breakfast beans." Almost like a warm breakfast hummus and you can serve veggies on top.


Amy - here's a pumpkin soup you serve IN the pumpkin :-)


Open the top of the pumpkin

Scrape out the flesh inside being careful not to poke a hole in the side.


Cook the pumpkin (should be at least 1 kg pumpkin meat) with

2 leeks

2 sticks of celery

2 cl garlic

2 potatoes

chicken bouillon

S & P


1 liter H2O


Once cooked - use a plunger mixer to blend


If not thick enough, add butter mixed with flour and recook the soup


Put it all delicately inside the empty pumpkin which you have meanwhile heated gently in the oven for 10 minutes at 100 degrees Centigrade...(212 F)


Hope I translated that right!


ETA - this seems like too much of a production for the AM....This morning I managed to roast broccoli in about 10 minutes - not bad time wise...


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She? said to put veggies on top :-) but I like beans more for lunch...but there were others who were putting beans with their veggies for breakfast...



Amy - here's a pumpkin soup you serve IN the pumpkin :-)


Open the top of the pumpkin

Scrape out the flesh inside being careful not to poke a hole in the side.


Cook the pumpkin (should be at least 1 kg pumpkin meat) with

2 leeks

2 sticks of celery

2 cl garlic

2 potatoes

chicken bouillon

S & P


1 liter H2O


Once cooked - use a plunger mixer to blend


If not thick enough, add butter mixed with flour and recook the soup


Put it all delicately inside the empty pumpkin which you have meanwhile heated gently in the oven for 10 minutes at 100 degrees Centigrade...(212 F)


Hope I translated that right!


ETA - this seems like too much of a production for the AM....This morning I managed to roast broccoli in about 10 minutes - not bad time wise...


I don't know about for breakfast but I have a fancy party I'm supposed to bring soup for and this sounds perfect for that.  I know everyone will be impressed by serving it IN the pumpkin.


Thank you!

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I don't know about for breakfast but I have a fancy party I'm supposed to bring soup for and this sounds perfect for that.  I know everyone will be impressed by serving it IN the pumpkin.


Thank you!


Just a word of warning - scraping out the pumpkin isn't always easy. So don't wait til the last minute when you're in your party dress if you know what I mean :-)


Hope it works for you! (maybe you can find some tips online)


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  • 2 months later...

Ethel - please come back and tell us about your beets for breakfast!  :)



Sorry I disappeared--still getting the hang of the boards and taking a bit of a break for Christmas.


Anyway, dd2 introduced me to beet hash browns. I just grate raw beets, add enough flour that they stick together in patties (and maybe some garlic scapes if they had them at the farmer's market that week) and put them in a frying pan with olive oil.


Sour cream or yogurt would be good on top if you do dairy.



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Sorry I disappeared--still getting the hang of the boards and taking a bit of a break for Christmas.


Anyway, dd2 introduced me to beet hash browns. I just grate raw beets, add enough flour that they stick together in patties (and maybe some garlic scapes if they had them at the farmer's market that week) and put them in a frying pan with olive oil.


Sour cream or yogurt would be good on top if you do dairy.


Thank you for telling us!  Sounds good - I'm going to have to try it.


I know about disappearing as I have too - just treading IRL...


Out of all the recipes and ideas shared - it ends up that my favorite is Roast Broccoli!


It turns out to be the easiest and is nice and warm for cold days. Just cut off the flowerets, drip a little oil and salt and pop in the oven...I remember about 5 years ago when a visiting guest asked for broccoli for breakfast - I just wasn't even able to bring myself to buy it! And now here I am eating it myself. But it's so different when roasted vs boiled/steamed...


Then comes Kale - they've finally brought it to the market place here, though only have planted small quantities since it's a "new" vegetable :-)....boiled the night before then just sliced up with some nuts on top...


Then comes celery - in warmer weather...


Then occasionally the other ideas that have been shared...


May everyone have healthy holidays!


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  • 1 month later...

I don't have time to read everything, but we can homemade salsa and use it in place of ketchup. So for eggs we'd use salsa. I always do avacado for breakfast with any type of meat or egg. Another idea for vegetables is to make a stew and serve for breakfast, we do this and the kids don't seem to care that it isn't a breakfast food :)

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 we can homemade salsa and use it in place of ketchup. So for eggs we'd use salsa. I always do avacado for breakfast with any type of meat or egg. Another idea for vegetables is to make a stew and serve for breakfast, we do this and the kids don't seem to care that it isn't a breakfast food :)


I like the salsa instead of ketchup idea !


I was going through this (awesome) thread looking for ideas for my meal planning project and wanted to add a new recipe. It's a breakfast baguette! We'll do a vegan version with lots of veggies. I think it looks amazingly delicious!! 



Helena! (by the way, I bought the Mexican food book when last in the US, but my luggage was so overweight I had to leave it behind for the next time! It looks really great though) that  baguette looks yummy too! But it will have to be for my kids...I've found that all those yummy additions just add up to too many calories in my old age :-), so now I've given up on the eggs as well...and the nut butters...


But I finally got raw beets! Here they're normally sold cooked except at market...so I do have to finally try that beet rosti Iron Ethel!

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I like the salsa instead of ketchup idea !



Helena! (by the way, I bought the Mexican food book when last in the US, but my luggage was so overweight I had to leave it behind for the next time! It looks really great though) that  baguette looks yummy too! But it will have to be for my kids...I've found that all those yummy additions just add up to too many calories in my old age :-), so now I've given up on the eggs as well...and the nut butters...


But I finally got raw beets! Here they're normally sold cooked except at market...so I do have to finally try that beet rosti Iron Ethel!

I've got the baguettes in the oven right now! They look fabulous!


Mmmm... beets!!

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Black cabbage!


A friend brought it from Tuscany, Italy and told me the recipe:


A little garlic sauteed in olive oil.


Cut the spine out of each leaf and chop.


Add little bit chicken boullion and little water.


Add black cabbage leaves and steam, stirring occasionally.  Then serve on a slice of toast (Italian style), which I tried just to see what the original is like.


Link with picture of 'black cabbage' (= choux noire). I thought it would be like kale but it's quite unique. Does anyone know if they have this in the US? I'm sure it's packed with vitamins...




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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I disappeared--still getting the hang of the boards and taking a bit of a break for Christmas.


Anyway, dd2 introduced me to beet hash browns. I just grate raw beets, add enough flour that they stick together in patties (and maybe some garlic scapes if they had them at the farmer's market that week) and put them in a frying pan with olive oil.


Sour cream or yogurt would be good on top if you do dairy.


These are really delicious!


And I've just tasted a "new to me" kind of beet - white beet.


It was delicious roasted...but found out from this page about the health benefits of beets, that you have to be careful not to cook them too long or you lost the special nutrients...



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Here in France potage is a very popular dinner food, though I don't see why it can't be a warm winter breakfast. Each family has their own version. It's basically a blended vegetable soup which is drizzled with creme fraiche (a very thin sour cream). I made my kids one last that was two onions, three zuchinnies, and one butternut squash boiled and blended with a cube of boullion. It really shrinks when you blend it. They each had a bowl and my oldest had two. They easily had 4 servings of veggies in that one meal. Normally potage sticks to winter vegetables.

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These are really delicious!

And I've just tasted a "new to me" kind of beet - white beet.

It was delicious roasted...but found out from this page about the health benefits of beets, that you have to be careful not to cook them too long or you lost the special nutrients...


Grated raw beets with salt, olive oil and lemon is a common salad here. I never tried it but the kids eat it at school for lunch often and they all like it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here in France potage is a very popular dinner food, though I don't see why it can't be a warm winter breakfast. Each family has their own version. It's basically a blended vegetable soup which is drizzled with creme fraiche (a very thin sour cream). I made my kids one last that was two onions, three zuchinnies, and one butternut squash boiled and blended with a cube of boullion. It really shrinks when you blend it. They each had a bowl and my oldest had two. They easily had 4 servings of veggies in that one meal. Normally potage sticks to winter vegetables.



Grated raw beets with salt, olive oil and lemon is a common salad here. I never tried it but the kids eat it at school for lunch often and they all like it.



I'm sorry to be so slow to post! Life is just so hectic these days trying to keep up with math etc....


It's funny to have to learn about French recipes from an American forum when I only live a few miles away...but that is life with the internet :-) I like how you put it that every family has their own version of "potage" and how you described making it....I hadn't realized it was so flexible.


I hope to look at more of your posts when I have more time...




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