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Winter Promise Equine Science


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I have seen on the boards that a few folks have used this. Can you tell me a little about it? How many days a week do you do it? About how long does it take? Dd will be in 5th grade next year would this be something we do all together, partially independent or fully independent? Do you think it is meaty enough to be a full science for the year? I have also seen on the boards people have had issues with WP for shipping, so when is the best time to order from them?


Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!



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My 13 yr old daughter has really loved this program. She has learned a lot about horses, how to take care of horses, etc... We do it twice a week together-- spending about 30 minutes each time. My daughter has intellectual disability, so needs me to sit with and help her-- but I suspect other kids could do it on their own.


We are counting it as science for the year, but again... she has special needs, so that may not work for other families.


There are reading assignments, art, timeline (historical significance of the horse), quite a lot of info. about horse breeds, colors, parts of the horse and tack, illnesses, behavior etc. There is enough variety each day that we do it that she is never bored. She likes the way it's presented as Dr. so-and-so needs your help! Here are the horse's symptoms, what could be wrong? (after doing the reading, the child would know how diagnose the horse based on symptoms listed)


Hope this helps some!


Also, we had some trouble with receiving the order, but nothing terrible. I think it came in 2 shipments, and I ordered it last May or June.



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We are using it and my daughter really enjoys it. We have a horse and she rides so it is a good fit. We do it twice a week, it takes 30-45 minutes. She does it fairly independently some days, but I enjoy doing it with her. For us, it isn't our only science, I wouldn't feel like it was enough. We do OM Science 2 days a week and it works out perfectly.

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My 5th grade daughter is using it this year. She's horse crazy so it's a good fit for her. She's doing it totally independantly and probably spends about 20 minutes a day on it. It comes with a 2 day schedule, but we just spread that out over 4 days a week. I think it's good enough for a year of science in the elementary grades so that's all we are doing for her science this year.

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My 5th grader does it once a week, on Fridays, completely independently. She does both "days" of the weekly Lesson in one sitting, and it takes her between 30 min-1 hour. She loves, loves, loves it! She recently started horseback riding lessons, so it's a great fit to her interests.


Science is a big focus for us, so there is no way this would be enough on its own. She also does entomology (another interest of hers) one day a week, and the other 3 days were spent studying cells, microbiology, etc. for the first half of the year, now we are doing Story of Science those 3 days.


Ordering from WP was a huge pain! I did it in August, definitely don't do it then! I got half of the books in the first shipment, then . . . nothing. For weeks. When I emailed about it, I finally got the second shipment - minus one book - which them came a few days later. Definitely stay on them, check your packing list, and email them right away for problems with your order. They were nice and responsive to emails, but you have to stay on them to get all your stuff, IME.

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Thank you for the information! For the past couple of years we have done two science programs a year with dd, Sonlight and then an Apologia one with our co-op. Maybe I will use this and hopefully they will offer a good Apologia class next year too. I am glad it does not seem to take too long. My worry was that since it was only scheduled two days that they would be very intense and very time consuming. I wish Winter Promise was coming to out local conference so I could check them out in person but unfortunately they are not.

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