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I want to run away today.


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Ha! I want to run away, but return home later to find it cleaned out, organized and decorated exactly the way I want it to be done. And with the kids schoolwork finished. And dinner on the table. And some wine.



That isn't too much to ask, is it?? :p



Now I understand why you're 'unsinkable' :laugh:.

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Dh has been gone for a week. And while he was on the plane on his way out, one of his jobs got cancelled, so basically, he will be working ONE day. And spending the rest of the week visiting friends and having business 'lunches', 'dinners', and 'drinks'. Trying reeeeeaaaaaallllly hard not to get resentful....

I told him when he comes home I'm leaving and may or may not be back for a few days...;-)

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