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Classical Conversations questions


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It looks like from the website, that there's a $325 tuition, $75 registration, and $50 supplies. ( :svengo: ) So, first question - if I had two children in Foundations, what kind of discount would I get on 2nd child?


Next, are all classes on the same cycle? Or would it vary by location? Would both my kids be on the same cycle even though one will be in 1st next year and one in 3rd?


And finally, does the fees above cover any books needed for the program? Not sure what "supplies" would cover? What would we still be responsible to buy?


Okay, one more thing - would we still need to purchase history and science programs or would the class cover that and we build on that at home?



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No discount. sorry.


Yes, all classes are on the same cycle.


The fees cover just about all of it, but you will need to purchase a tin whistle. Technically you need to purchase the Foundations guide as well. (although, I did not, and we are doing fine without it)


You would still need to cover your own history and science, but many people do it just using the material presented at CC and then following up with library books etc.


Hope that helps.

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No discount. sorry.


Yes, all classes are on the same cycle.


The fees cover just about all of it, but you will need to purchase a tin whistle. Technically you need to purchase the Foundations guide as well. (although, I did not, and we are doing fine without it)


You would still need to cover your own history and science, but many people do it just using the material presented at CC and then following up with library books etc.


Hope that helps.


Oh, I thought I read there was a discount. I must have been thinking of something else.


For the cycle - so then will everyone be on the same cycle next year? Which one will that be?


For the supplies, then we would be getting our own cards and songs and stuff?

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You can get as much or as little as you want. We just got the CD and listen to it to review each week. But the cards are helpful. I wasn't sure we were going to stick with it long term, so I just bought the bare minimum. It has turned out fine for us so far.


Next year will be cycle 2 for everyone.

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Oh, I thought I read there was a discount. I must have been thinking of something else.


For the cycle - so then will everyone be on the same cycle next year? Which one will that be?


For the supplies, then we would be getting our own cards and songs and stuff?



I think you get a discount IF you tutor a Foundations class


Yes, everyone will be on the same cycle next year, it will be cycle 2


No, I believe you have to purchase your own cards, but if you sign up for Cc connected you could download the songs from there.

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The supplies fee is to help cover things used in the classroom. It helps cover the cost of maps that the students use in class, as well as art and science supplies. It does not cover the cost of anything that you would use at home, like the foundations guide, timeline cards, audio CD's, etc. Oh, and like someone else mentioned above, you need to buy your own tin whistle, since it's something that the kids take home with them. I hope that clears up the supplies fee question. :)

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Technically you are supposed to buy the guide ($60) and one tin whistle per kiddo ($10 each). Everything else is optional as far as at home supplies. Many moms find that the more they buy the more they actually dig in and take it seriously. We don't do any extra history or science during our CC year except to add in good books on the topics and a stack of notebooks that have lines on the bottom and blank tops for writing and illustrating what we are learning about in CC. It helps retain the material and helps them to own it on another level. In the summer we plan to add in Story of the World and Veritas Press materials for another way to hit history on the off months.


You do not get a discount for tutoring. You get paid to tutor which would cover the tuition and then some (I'm pretty sure about that but you'd have to ask a director). So lots of moms who couldn't afford CC otherwise choose to tutor or find some other way to work for CC (like being a state manager, etc.)




P.S. We LOVE CC and I can't recommend it enough. It has totally changed our homeschool for the better and shaped my educational philosophy and goals over the last year and a half....

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It looks like from the website, that there's a $325 tuition, $75 registration, and $50 supplies. ( :svengo: ) So, first question - if I had two children in Foundations, what kind of discount would I get on 2nd child?


Next, are all classes on the same cycle? Or would it vary by location? Would both my kids be on the same cycle even though one will be in 1st next year and one in 3rd?


And finally, does the fees above cover any books needed for the program? Not sure what "supplies" would cover? What would we still be responsible to buy?


Okay, one more thing - would we still need to purchase history and science programs or would the class cover that and we build on that at home?




Have you been to an open house? We went an I was sold!! Loved it!!

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It looks like from the website, that there's a $325 tuition, $75 registration, and $50 supplies. ( :svengo: ) So, first question - if I had two children in Foundations, what kind of discount would I get on 2nd child?


Next, are all classes on the same cycle? Or would it vary by location? Would both my kids be on the same cycle even though one will be in 1st next year and one in 3rd?


And finally, does the fees above cover any books needed for the program? Not sure what "supplies" would cover? What would we still be responsible to buy?


Okay, one more thing - would we still need to purchase history and science programs or would the class cover that and we build on that at home?





Hello! You DO get a multi-child discount for kids enrolled in the same program. The discount is only on the registration fee. You pay the full registration fee of $75 for the first child. The other children in the same program would have a $50 registration fee. The supply fee covers items needed for classroom activities: science experiment materials, art supplies, tracing paper, maps for the classes, etc. You will need to purchase the Foundations guide and a tin whistle for each child. The guide has all that you truly need for all three cycles. However, many people opt to buy either the audio CDs or the C3 online membership so you can download the audios. Tutors don't get discounts, but they are paid for their work. Talk to your director if you're interested in tutoring!


All Classical Conversations campus are on the same cycle, no matter where they're located. Next year we'll be on cycle 2.

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A pp is correct regarding the minimum purchase needed - the CC guide and tin whistle. While we bought the different sets of cards and audio recording it would be possible to create your own cards using the guide, though the history cards would not have pictures. CC Connect may be helpful. Last year we found a poster had created miniture review cards and we printed and laminated them. Connect is month-to-month so you could try it befroe buying all the extras.




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I was sold on in until I went to the Open House last week and the memory verse for history involved actions that pantomimed a dealer dealing cards to indicate "slave trade". :-(


But this has nothing to do with CC itself. The tutor is using motions to help the students remember trading, but this is not a CC wide activity. The only thing CC wants you to do is learn the memory work in whatever way works for you. It is left up to tutors to find a way that helps their particular class learn best, but it is not necessary that anyone continue the motions when they get home. The younger the classes are, the more the tutors use hand motions.


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But this has nothing to do with CC itself. The tutor is using motions to help the students remember trading, but this is not a CC wide activity. The only thing CC wants you to do is learn the memory work in whatever way works for you. It is left up to tutors to find a way that helps their particular class learn best, but it is not necessary that anyone continue the motions when they get home. The younger the classes are, the more the tutors use hand motions.


It does change things for me a little that it was a decision the individual tutor made rather than a CC decision of how slave trade is portrayed, but it left me feeling very uncomfortable. I don't ever want my daughter equating the horror of slavery with something as trivial as playing cards. I don't know. I guess I need to think about it some more.

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They have timeline motions that they put out as a help because so many people requested them. They are based on ASL motions. In these videos, slavery is usually portrayed with bound wrists in front of the body. The thing about CC is that the tutors are there to help you. Think of everything they do as an idea to help you with the memory work. You can take it or leave it. I tutor an older class of 10-12 year olds. Some of them make up their own motions or use none at all, and that is fine. You do not even need to use songs that CC records. This, again, is just a way to help. All memory work can be spoken.


If you don't like the community aspect of it, you can do the program at home. If you did this, you could pick and choose what to learn.

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Yes, that would be a tutor-specific motion choice. The history sentences don't have motions that come down from CC corporate. The timeline motions are new this year and do come from CC, but I can't think of anything inappropriate on that level in the timeline motions.


As a tutor of 4 and 5 year olds I can say that the motions I choose often have to do with word association rather than the meaning of the words. This is strictly to get them to retain the words themselves, as they will grow up applying the memory work in appropriate contexts. I agree that dealing cards is a poor choice of motion to represent slave trading; this is primarily due to the extremely sensitive nature of that particular topic. For example, to have the kids make antlers on their head to memorize "anther" as a part of a flower is a similar methodology, but on a neutral topic.


I would imagine that if you brought that concern up with the tutor in question, she would be more than apologetic about the way her motion choice came across to you and your family. We love CC and if you were excited about the program as a whole, I would encourage you not to let that one experience turn you away completely.


I feel that my children will have a MUCH better understanding of and appreciation for historical events than I ever did, and I believe that fuller understanding will bring with it sensitivity to horrific events such as slave trade, holocaust, and more.

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