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Do you allow your dc to listen to music while working?


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My 11 yo daughter has recently started to listen to music through headphones while she is doing her school work. Coincidentally, she has also developed "writers block" in her writing class. She says it helps her, but I just don't get how you can listen to words in a song, and try to put words to paper. I can see maybe classical but not mainstream music. Thoughts?



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I allow my children to listen to classical music during some of their school work. They are not allowed to listen when doing their writing work or anything that requires creativity. I may be wrong, but I think that music keeps the creative "part" of their mind busy so they can do their math, handwriting, chess study and such without feeling the need to goof off. That's just how we do it here.


If I suspected that the music got in the way of concentration, I would turn it off.

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I allow dd13 to listen to music with headphones. She listens to all different types of music. It has improved her concentration, especially in math. It also reduces the outside distraction of two younger siblings in the house. Dd15 does not find it helpful, but more of a distraction. The younger two work mostly with me - so no they do not listen to music while doing school work.

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It depends on the child. I know for myself that if I am listening to music I don't over think things so much and I work faster. My dh on the other hand works slower and does more sloppy work because he can't focus properly. My oldest ds is like my dh but my younger two are more like me.

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As long as it doesn't interfere with his work, sure. We try varying different things in the environment and see what works best for him. Locations, supplies, time of day, etc. With the flexibility of homeschooling, why not experiment?


Headphones would concern me a bit, though. Maybe I'm overly-cautious, but I don't like my ds to use headphones for more than 30 minutes a day or so. I worry about hearing damage.


But quiet music on the kitchen radio is okay.

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