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I locked myself out at . . .


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my new job . . . I am so embarrassed. :blush: At least it was after hours (I was double-checking that everything was properly locked - it was . . . boy, was it ever . . .) but all my stuff (keys, purse, etc., were still inside) . . . If only I had remembered - actually KNOWN - that the janitorial staff would be in today . . . I could have saved myself a LOT of worry and also *bother* for others . . . I just hope there are no negative repercussions . . . Is there an emoticon for slinking away in utter embarrassment? And worry? And by the way, where's another wet noodle as the one I've been using is worn out . . . :sad:


Edited to add: Otherwise, everything at work went incredibly well today - could not have been better. :)

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Sounds frustrating. :grouphug:


As for negative repercussions, I can't imagine that there would be any. It doesn't sound like you compromised the security of the business. You just inconvenienced yourself, right? Were you unable to complete work-related tasks because you locked yourself out? If not, and the business wasn't compromised in any way, I wouldn't worry about it.

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:grouphug: It's your initiation into your new job. I firmly believe that doing something embarrassing right away sets the bar low, and you don't have to worry about it in the future. :rofl:


At one of my new jobs, I went to sit on my rolling chair, missed it, landed on my behind with my skirt over my head. I had to go get x-rays and missed several days of work from it.

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Sounds frustrating. :grouphug:


As for negative repercussions, I can't imagine that there would be any. It doesn't sound like you compromised the security of the business. You just inconvenienced yourself, right? Were you unable to complete work-related tasks because you locked yourself out? If not, and the business wasn't compromised in any way, I wouldn't worry about it.


No compromise of business. I had already closed everything for the day - just double-checking the locks because they are difficult and it is very easy to think they are locked when they are not. (My boss has the same problem with the old locks). Inconvenienced myself - but more importantly, the man who came to unlock the place for me, but arrived after the cleaning crew. Mostly, I think I am embarrassed at my stupidity, and all the people who now know (a snowfall effect that is way too much to write about) . . .


The cleaning staff is wonderful. They live not far from there (which I also didn't know) and said to call them if it ever happens again. It will NOT happen again! It will NOT! :001_smile:


I've only worked ten days so far, and not yet forty hours, but this was my first solo day - and it had gone SO WELL - until then . . . :-)

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:grouphug: It's your initiation into your new job. I firmly believe that doing something embarrassing right away sets the bar low, and you don't have to worry about it in the future. :rofl: At one of my new jobs, I went to sit on my rolling chair, missed it, landed on my behind with my skirt over my head. I had to go get x-rays and missed several days of work from it.


I needed that laugh! Thanks!


Yep, I definitely set the bar low - especially after someone mentioned how much they liked the girl I replaced. I knew they were just commenting and it wasn't anything personal - but that's the comment that came flying back into my mind.


We were at a church program about a year ago, and I did part of what you did - sat down and missed the chair! The lady who had been talking to me burst into uncontrollable laughter. Dh was all concerned that I'd gotten hurt. (Only my pride - until several hours later when I really felt that fall)!

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I had a new job as a secretary/bookkeeper. I was working on a Saturday morning. Accidentally put a large bank deposit in the mailbox outside the building. My couple of my friends came over to help. One looked out for cops and cars while the other helped me figure out new and inventive ways to retrieve the deposit. (This is against the law.) Finally, when a long stick with chewed gum on the end didn't work, we gave up. On Tuesday, the mailman returned the deposit.

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Alright, I'll share one. This one is just funny and embarrassing - not anything gone "awry", but I hope it makes you feel better regardless. ;)


I started working at Intel Corporation (as in "Intel Inside" - the semiconductor company) in March of '99. The IT department at Intel comes up with elaborate company-wide April Fools pranks every year. Since I started a few weeks before April Fools Day, I was not aware of this "tradition". So on the morning of April 1, I opened up my email and there was a note from the IT department stating that everyone's badge photos needed to be updated. The instructions said that in order to make things simple, the IT department had arranged for everyone's photos to be taken directly at their computers via special software that had been downloaded by IT overnight. All I needed to do was get ready for my photo, and then click a button on my screen to have my picture taken.


So, I dutifully touched up my make-up, checked my hair, and then clicked the button. My screen "flashed" and then a message appeared saying the photo didn't quite take and I needed to do it again. I sat there posing in front of my computer through several flashes before the sound of my colleagues snickering from behind my cube wall finally clued me in. :lol:


It was incredibly embarrassing, but I went on to work for Intel for another 10 years before staying home to homeschool. So...I'm proof that embarrassing moments don't need to be career-limiting. ;)

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Anybody else have *new job* stories of things going awry? The ones posted have definitely helped my mood . . . I am hoping I will no longer be red-faced my next day at work, which is not till Wednesday. :)



Sure. I was a few days into my new job and was so focused on getting the name of the organization correct that I answered the phone with "Good morning, you have reached (organization's long name carefully announced). This is (my maiden name). . .no, wait, I mean (my married name). . so sorry about that. How may I help you?" I was NOT a newly wed, I had been married for years and years and had 2 children. The person on the other end of the line was Mr. Big Boss from the main office. Fortunately, he just laughed and let it go.

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Along those lines: when our alarm system was installed at work, we all received an email from my boss, telling us that we each had our own alarm code, and that the last 4 digits of the phone number could be entered as a silent panic code.


One of my coworkers closed, set the alarm and locked the door. When she was about a mile away, she had a funny feeling and pulled over to read the email one more time... Yep. She'd totally put in the panic code.


She turned around, called our boss and hauled back to work, where our entire (small town) police shift was waiting in the parking lot! She got a lot of ribbing for it, but in a good way. ;)

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