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HoD vs. Sonlight Reader packs . . . thoughts?

LynnG in Arizona

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I found it extremely helpful this year to blend the Emerging Reader lists from both Sonlight and Heart of Dakota for my 7 yo daughter.


As I start looking toward next year, I'm wondering about the Heart of Dakota "Level 2" pack vs. Sonlight's Grade 3 readers. They are all good book choices. Just wondering if any of you have used the reader packs from both companies and have any thoughts on how they worked out, which is "better" (and for what reason) or has a better reading level progression, etc.


ps - I do have extensive experience with the Sonlight readers, as we used those for many years with my older students. However, we started using the readers that tied into specific Cores . . . and we started using them when both girls were extremely fluent readers. So until my younger batch of kids, I'd never worked with the Sonlight readers for earlier grades.


Thanks so much!

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We've used the HOD readers. The first book scheduled is a bit more challenging than the other readers (we used the Beginner's Bible), but I loved that they started with a Bible. It was so neat to see DS pronounce larger biblical words! I followed the HOD schedule for DS, but I might arrange them slightly different next time around. I think I'd have them read a few other books before the Bible one. The HOD teachers guide has discussion questions and narration, but this would be easy to do on your own as well.

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We've used the HOD readers. The first book scheduled is a bit more challenging than the other readers (we used the Beginner's Bible), but I loved that they started with a Bible. It was so neat to see DS pronounce larger biblical words! I followed the HOD schedule for DS, but I might arrange them slightly different next time around. I think I'd have them read a few other books before the Bible one. The HOD teachers guide has discussion questions and narration, but this would be easy to do on your own as well.


Thank you, Holly. Just to clarify, my daughter is nearly done with the Emerging Readers from both companies, so she's already read the Beginner's Bible. And I agree that it took a looong time to get through, but actually it was a nice routine for those 9 weeks or so.


I'm looking ahead to finding a reader set that will pick up right where the Emerging Readers leaves off. I know I *could* pull something together myself, but I'm hoping not to recreate the wheel! :)

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For readers, I pick what I think my ds will enjoy making sure to include classics I don't want him to miss.



Well, that's my usual approach as well, but I'm hoping to have something already nicely laid out for me, with a gradual/logical progression of reading skills. I tend to tweak *everything*, but as I get older and hopefully wiser, I'm trying to avoid that when not really necessary. ;)

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I haven't used anything from Sonlight but I wanted to say that my ds has enjoyed all of the books he has read that HOD recommended. He has read all of the ER, Level 2,3, and part of 4/5. I just go on the HOD website and write down the titles and authors and am able to find most of them used. We do use DITHR for some of the titles but the rest I just put in a basic for him to choose from along with some added books I want him to read.

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I haven't used anything from Sonlight but I wanted to say that my ds has enjoyed all of the books he has read that HOD recommended. He has read all of the ER, Level 2,3, and part of 4/5. I just go on the HOD website and write down the titles and authors and am able to find most of them used. We do use DITHR for some of the titles but the rest I just put in a basic for him to choose from along with some added books I want him to read.


Thank you, twoxcell - that is very helpful! Glad to know that your son has enjoyed all of the HoD book choices. They do look like great choices!


Were you careful to read them "in order"? That's probably not very important at the 4/5 level, when your son is fluent . . . but it might be an issue for my daughter at Levels 2 and 3, when she still has a lot of growth ahead of her in the reading department. :)

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My DD has been using a lot of the grade 2 readers from Sonlight along with other books at the same level and now I am looking to buy many of the grade 3 readers - mostly I just copy down the list and see what I am able to get hold of (they are not all available in this country easily) HOD seems to use some of Sonlight Grade 3 and some of Sonlight's Grade 4-5 readers at level 2 so I got the impression looking at it that may be sllightly more advanced than the grade 3 Sonlight books (but only by a small amount) - but then having not read the books I am not entirely sure, it was just an impression. I am now looking to see which of these books I can get too. Usually I just give my daughter what I think she can handle at the time so while there is progression forward, I am not worried about moving backward for a few books too to work on more fluency with her and also just to pick a story she would like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would agree that HOD's choices seem to be more advanced than Sonlight's. I have chosen to do HOD's as a curriculum and Sonlight as add ons to borrow from the library, etc. Also, HOD's hit all of the genres - I'm not sure if Sonlight's does. HOD also has boy/girl choices. Sonlight is non-specific if that matters to you. On HOD's site (or www.scholastic/bookwizard) you can see the book reading level. That should help you if you want to go in order of reading ability. Or, if you want to pick/choose between the two programs based on her ability level. Say, she is at a 3rd grade reading level and levels off there for a while, you could select only the 3rd grade readers (from both programs) until she is more confident. Just an idea.

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I would agree that HOD's choices seem to be more advanced than Sonlight's. I have chosen to do HOD's as a curriculum and Sonlight as add ons to borrow from the library, etc. Also, HOD's hit all of the genres - I'm not sure if Sonlight's does. HOD also has boy/girl choices. Sonlight is non-specific if that matters to you. On HOD's site (or www.scholastic/bookwizard) you can see the book reading level. That should help you if you want to go in order of reading ability. Or, if you want to pick/choose between the two programs based on her ability level. Say, she is at a 3rd grade reading level and levels off there for a while, you could select only the 3rd grade readers (from both programs) until she is more confident. Just an idea.


Holly, you make a lot of good points - thank you for your input!! :)

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We use both in the early grades because our library has a poor selection and neither companies have enough for my kids (year around). By 5th grade, we stick with HOD. I trust their choices more although I have to admit that SL often times provides more interesting reads. Because of the genre-specific book choices HOD is careful to select, it inhibits my children from reading the genre they enjoy the most (mystery for one, adventure of the other). So, I tack on SL choices that I'm confident about content-wise but I we don't discuss those. Another consideration is that HOD has less books per grade because they are to be read and savored at a slower pace (especially in the middle school years). I like HOD's pace better.

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We use both in the early grades because our library has a poor selection and neither companies have enough for my kids (year around). By 5th grade, we stick with HOD. I trust their choices more although I have to admit that SL often times provides more interesting reads. Because of the genre-specific book choices HOD is careful to select, it inhibits my children from reading the genre they enjoy the most (mystery for one, adventure of the other). So, I tack on SL choices that I'm confident about content-wise but I we don't discuss those. Another consideration is that HOD has less books per grade because they are to be read and savored at a slower pace (especially in the middle school years). I like HOD's pace better.



Thanks for posting, Dassah! Great input as well. :)

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I did readers 3 from sonlight and a bunch of the level 2 readers also since ds needed more. I like how the sonlight books progressed more than HOD but ds loved how the level 2 pack has more nonfiction. He tends to read nonfiction for fun :) if I had to chose between the 2 I would get the sonlight readers and then the list of books HOD sells that has the readers by level. The list actually has a bunch of SL books on it too.

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After HOD emerging readers, I filled in with the SL grade 2 readers he didn't cover, then moved up to the HOD readers for 2/3 and added in the level 3 readers for SL. My kids LOVE to read, so that's why we do both. I even have to add MORE than that from the library.

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After HOD emerging readers, I filled in with the SL grade 2 readers he didn't cover, then moved up to the HOD readers for 2/3 and added in the level 3 readers for SL. My kids LOVE to read, so that's why we do both. I even have to add MORE than that from the library.


Also HOD has a supplemental reader suggestions for each unit of the ERs. I own most of these and a few more that I add into the ERs. Some of them are probably the same as Sonlight.

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After HOD emerging readers, I filled in with the SL grade 2 readers he didn't cover, then moved up to the HOD readers for 2/3 and added in the level 3 readers for SL. My kids LOVE to read, so that's why we do both. I even have to add MORE than that from the library.




That makes total sense . . . I guess we kind of combined both Emerging Readers lists, so I can completely see having to just use both sets of readers when everything is said and done! :)

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