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Haven't really used 5/4, just looked it over and dd did about 5 lessons "for fun" when she discovered it this summer.


Love the K-3. I like the worksheets, the script, the way it all hangs together so tight. 5/4, not so much. I wish they would've continued the worksheets one more year. Copying is a drag, esp if you use Saxon a year ahead, as we do.

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I didn't like the format of the lower K-3 elem. Saxon b/c it was too teacher intensive, IMO, and too disjointed I guess would be the word. The workbook, meeting, meeting strips, etc...too much. Why couldn't they just put it all on the workbook page? That being said, my ds8 did Saxon 3 pretty much on his own w/ little help from me. We skipped the meeting and strips b/c he already knew how to count money, knew the calendar, etc. I do like 5/4 -7/6 (haven't used beyond that yet!) except that there are a lot of problems per lesson and my dc did complain. I prefer the text format.

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I believe they do now have a Saxon 4 with workbooks that follows Saxon 3. I've never used it, but I think I have seen it.


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I really like both the K-3 and the 5/4 - 7/6 books. They have worked well for all of my children. I do plan to switch programs after 7/6. I'm not sure I like the upper books as well. I am currently working through three different pre-algebra books before making a final decision.

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My first dd used early Saxon and had difficulty with 5/4. We switched to MUS for her. There is a big change in style from Saxon 3 to the text book style in the upper levels. It was simply too much for her to figure out the problem and copy everything over. We would have preferred it if they'd had a workbook style. Additonally, she had difficulty with new concepts being added each lesson. We are about to start 5/4 with second dd, who is much more advanced in math than her sister. We will take it slowly and I am open to changing programs if it doesn't work for her, either. I actually think the lower grades are presented so differently, it's hard to believe it's the same program. I hope this is helpful.


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I disliked the script and we chucked the meeting book in the Saxon 1 - 3. We never did all of the review and manipulatives (e.g. coin cup) that were called for on any given day and I usually supplemented with more fact practice. That said, Saxon works for my kids and fits my teaching style just fine.


However, I like the 5/4 -7/6 format much more. I love the mental math, the teaching is straightforward and there are usually more than enough practice problems.



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For those of you who have used the K-3 levels of Saxon Math AND the upper levels: Which format do you like better? The 5/4 looks quite a bit different than the lower grammar years. Which format did you like better and why?


I've heard that the change is because the original writer of Saxon did not intend to write the early elementary books. The lower grades K- were an afterthought and may even have been written by someone else.


I haven't used the lower levels. My young one is using Singapore. My girls didn't come home from private until they were in 7/6 and 5/4.

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I really like both the K-3 and the 5/4 - 7/6 books. They have worked well for all of my children.

Me, too. However, for the 54 and up books, I only like the newer 3rd edition books, the old ones were too dry. The new review they have at the beginning of each lesson is much like the meeting time in k-3.


FWIW, my 10yo ds chose by himself to continue in Saxon this year (given the choice of TT, Singapore, and ABeka). He said it may not be as colorful, but that he "gets it" with Saxon. I thought it was a pretty good recommendation!:001_smile:

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i think they are both appropriate to the age they are designed for. 5/4 is much less parent oriented, we read through, do a couple of problems to demonstrate and then they work independently. k-3 is all about parent interaction, preparation - basically you experience it together. which is what my kids needed at that age anyway. sometimes we skim through the lower level lessons, hitting the main issues. i mostly enjoy both - they are just a different learning mechanism.

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