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Recommendations for an independant Pre-Algebra MUS vs TT

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I usually do not post here very often but would really appreciate some advise.



We still have to finish Horizons 6 (I find that since the teenage brain has kicked in it is not working so I will be looking for something different for Pre-Algebra). The goal is to start Pre-Algebra in May... I was looking at TT but it is also very process orientated rather than explaining the why. I took Advanced Calculus at Uni but for the life of me she is now saying that I am not explaining it properly. Probably MUS???


I would also like something that would take us all the way to the end. I looked at some of the samples on line and really liked the way things were explained.


Can someone give me some feedback.

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We dropped MUS after pre-algebra. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely program and explains things very well. I'm glad we did through pre-algebra. That said, I didn't like the look of the upper levels. When I read over the scope for algebra and geometry, only about half the material was new. It moved very slowly and gently, just like the younger books, but it didn't feel like the depth was there. We ended up dropping it in favor of a different algebra program to go deeper.

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We dropped MUS after pre-algebra. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely program and explains things very well. I'm glad we did through pre-algebra. That said, I didn't like the look of the upper levels. When I read over the scope for algebra and geometry, only about half the material was new. It moved very slowly and gently, just like the younger books, but it didn't feel like the depth was there. We ended up dropping it in favor of a different algebra program to go deeper.


We also dropped MUS after Pre-Algebra, actually during Pre-A. The reason for this was that I wanted a stronger, more in-depth program which covered a greater S&S in preparation for Algebra 1. However I am planning a more rigorous path for ds11. So I think it really depends on the student. I know on the High School forum others have used both MUS and TT all the way through and seem happy with them. It really depends on your goals and the direction the student may be headed. I think in general terms you have AoPS on one end of the spectrum with TT & MUS on the other in terms of easy-difficult for these secondary years. Then you have a lot of programs in between.


Its not clear if you are looking for more of a conceptual program or one which is somewhat lighter or both? AoPS for example is very conceptual but also very challenging, sometimes more than necessary depending on the students goals. It also includes the discovery approach which takes time for a student to wrap their brains around.


BTW, we use and highly recommend TabletClass as an independent program. Though more challenging than MUS the instruction is excellent and very thorough. It goes up through Algebra 2 currently and I believe the author has plans to create Pre-Calc and Calc as well. IMO, at this level its alright to use more than one program as long as you are aware of the S&S of the prior when looking to the next level. In the same way most public/private schools use different curriculum depending on the subject and the same is true in college.

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Guess I'd go back to your comment about why the Horizons 6 is not working. What's going on there? TT is different yes, but it's not enough different to be a huge change. Still spiral. Sure it has lessons. Really, when dd was going through her fog years (which mercifully have lifted for the most part), a lot of it was FATIGUE. She didn't seem to know 3+4 for a while there, lol. We didn't change curricula. (Well actually we did, but not because of that. We had to because we had reached the end of a sequence.) More naps, more snacks, more time outside. You might even make some compromises you haven't made before, like to give her a math table or calculator. I'd just get through it, stick with what you're using, and plow on. I like TT and am using it with my dd, absolutely, but I don't see how it solves your problem. Maybe you have some more details on what you want to solve?

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She seems to be hitting a fog and she will ask questions like 2 x 3?! She seems very distracted and day dreams all the time. Horizon spiral approach seemed to work well in the past. We supplemented a bit with Singapore but Horizon was our main program. Horizon focus on the How not the Why and she seems to want to understand the Why?


Also I am finding it harder to do the instruction myself due to time constraints so I would like something that includes instruction.


I also guess that fatigue is a factor. She has had 4 incidents of Strep Throat and the doctor did a full panel of tests on Monday.


I will try more breaks, rest and naps.

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I found that Horizons 6 was not quite as good as 4 & 5. Sometimes there were gaps in logic in the way things were presented. It was still pretty good, but I felt the earlier levels were stronger. I looked at Horizons Pre-algebra, but didn't like the look of it at all. We considered both TT and MUS, and ended up doing MUS. It's been a great fit here. I did pick up the DVD for Epsilon used so that we could review how MUS does fractions--there's more explanation than there is in Horizons, and I felt it rounded out their understanding. MUS pre-algebra does a good amount of review of fractions and decimals. My oldest has done Algebra and is currently doing Geometry. We are very pleased with it and plan to continue with it all the way through.


When I was choosing a program, I let my son look at the samples online as well. The main reason we went with MUS over TT was that he liked the approach of MUS better. I did too, but I figure, he's the one who has to live with it day in and day out, so I thought he should have some say.


Hope you find a good program for you, but Horizons to MUS Pre-algebra has been a fairly seemless transition here (my youngest is doing pre-alg. now as well, after finishing Horizons 1-6). Merry :-)

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My DD did TT for 5th, 6th, and 7th. She did well with it but disliked it so much! We also supplemented with LOF Fractions and Decimals. This year for 8th I let her chose between MUS and TT. She chose MUS for Pre-Algebra. She has had no difficulty with the transition in teaching style and is actually enjoying math! I like the explanations used in the video portion and how the "light bulb" comes on with the blocks for demonstration. My DS,5th grade, is using TT5 and I am actually in the process this week of switching him to MUS as well. He just needs more hands on, working on paper, working with me for math. Two digit by two digit multiplication is just throwing him for a loop. He is strong in math and I think he will enjoy the in depth approach to "why" and not just "how" to solve math equations. I hope this helps. Good luck!

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I would encourage you to select a pre-algebra with Algebra in mind. The scope and sequence of the different curriculums can be very different. IMHO, this is especially true for MUS. MUS algebra 1 starts with graphing which is quite different from the other Algebra programs I've looked at. We are using Horizons pre-algebra and I'm finding that quite different from other pre-algebra programs I've used or considered. Dd is graphing inequalities already and I don't remember my oldest doing that quite so early. So, if you think you will use TT for algebra, then do their pre-algebra to prepare. If you think you will use MUS, then use theirs.

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I think that MUS starts prealgebra expecting the child to already KNOW basic arithmetic and TT reviews all that.


Actually MUS Pre-A goes over a lot of arithmetic as well. The only difference in chapters 1-4 is that they introduce negative numbers with basic arithmetic which some other elementary programs already do. We went through the first 4-5 chapters before switching programs to TabletClass and still own the book. There are also chapters on things like converting celcius to fahrenheit as well as military time addition and subtraction.

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