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Need a quick, easy carseat for traveling.


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There's a few nice convertible car seats out there that convert from 5-point harness, to high back booster (w/seat belt), to backless booster (also w/seat belt, of course). If he's at a point where he can use one of the booster options, maybe this is the way to go? Just thinking that you could also use the seat soon as/if he outgrows his current Britax. (We're currently looking at one of these for my 5 1/2 year old son, as he's still in his Britax but I want a harness seat for him to move into as he outgrows it.) Something like the Graco Nautilus? I'm not sure how light the seat would be in its booster form, though.

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I guess my question is mostly about the several taxis we'll be taking to restaurants and such. What do I do with a carseat? How quickly can I get one strapped properly into a taxi after lugging it down from the hotel room? What do I do once I get to the restaurant? Ask then to hold it for me?


I feel like I'm missing something. How do most people do this? When we've traveled to other countries they've thought we were nuts but he was much smaller. It's been over 3 years since he's flown with us.

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I guess my question is mostly about the several taxis we'll be taking to restaurants and such. What do I do with a carseat? How quickly can I get one strapped properly into a taxi after lugging it down from the hotel room? What do I do once I get to the restaurant? Ask then to hold it for me?


I feel like I'm missing something. How do most people do this? When we've traveled to other countries they've thought we were nuts but he was much smaller. It's been over 3 years since he's flown with us.


Try a BubbleBooster - http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/B003GQ0LQ8


I'm on the hunt here in Europe for a Boostapak - http://www.boostapak.com/home.html I'd love for those to get to the states!

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So our 6 year old is flying with us next week to Austin for a week. He has a full size Britax seat in our van. I'm wondering what kind of really light weight booster I can get to be able to toss in the taxis and such we'll be using often. We've done this before but not with him so big. What do I use?



My 5 year old (41 pounds) is likely flying to Arizona (from Austin incidentally) in March. We are using our Evenflo Maestro both in the plane and on the ground (BECAUSE he will be driving back a day and a half)


If the only thing we needed the car seat for was some driving in Arizona, I'd take his Graco Turbobooster. Or maybe even get a Bubble Bum booster. (boosters can not be used on the plane, but I don't think he needs it either since he's now over 40 pounds and will be adequately covered by the plane seatbelt.)

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