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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF everyone! I'm tired from the week and would love to do nothing but time and chores march on.


Clean kitchen

Laundry - sort and do two loads


School specials:

Ds15 - week review

History/Lit Seminar

Dd11 - spelling test

science reading



Second coat of paint on the cat's bathroom ceiling

Grocery shopping

Vacuum stairs and landing

Tidy the stupid living room.

Pay bills


Plan out history/lit. for next week and beyond.


Zumba tonight (give ride to instructor?)

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So far I have


Taken #2 for a wagon ride and played outside for an hour

I've wiped down the kitchen



#1 stayed up to do most of his school work last night. He is still sleeping. I'll have to check in and see what all he did and go from there when he gets up.


I need to:



wash a load of diapers



I would like to:


unpack my new canisters(fill them) and put them in the pantry

read some more in my book--got to read a whole 8 pages yesterday!

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I'm trying to finish the week off on a strong note.



get up and get dressed

do 2 loads of laundry (washed, dried, and folded--kids will finish putting away this afternoon)



took dd15 to co-op (9am)

have dd5's best friend over for a playdate/babysitting (9:30am-1pm)




pick up "daycare child" from preschool (1pm) & watch her until 4pm

drop friend's daughter off at her house

pick up dd15 from co-op (2pm)

clean bathrooms

scrub master bath/shower & change shower curtain liner

shower & put on clean clothes to go out to dinner with friends tonight

figure out dinner for dh and the rest of the family

dinner with my 'mom friends' 7pm


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Bwhaa haa!! Last night dd1 drank some coffee and was up for a couple of hours doing housework. So I am on my way out the door on this rare nice day to ride off into the sunset on my pony cart!!


And then I'll leave a note to myself to make sure there is another fresh pot of coffee this evening.

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So far (12:59p.m.):


dishwasher unloaded

1 load of laundry, 1 put away

Religion, dictation and math done

figured out how to get student id and parking permit at Comm. Coll.

swept downstairs

cleaned powder room

watched lecture on Frederick Douglass


Still to do:

go to comm. coll. w/ 17 yo and get actual id and permit

get 17 yo and 14 to get haircuts

Vacuum bedrooms

1 more load of laundry

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Nearly 7.30am on Saturday. Go Jean.


List for today.


Fold yesterday's washing and put it away

Make breakfast in bed for DD2

Herd family out of the house

Do a couple of loads of laundry and hang them out

Sort out the dining room cupboard

Sort out the corner in the dining room

Sort out school work for the next nine weeks or so

Sort dinner

Go fishing with the family later

Tie up the tomato plants with DH

Vacuum so it is done for bbq visitors tomorrow

Make the spare bed with clean sheets


Hope that is enough for today.

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Guest inoubliable

So far:

- 3 chapters in science with DS7

- DS12 finished up a book

- beds stripped, sheets washed and dried (cheated and used the dryer), beds remade

-box made up of random items from the house for the popup camper, waiting to be taken out to the camper

- homeschooling books listed here on classifieds

- second load of laundry is soaking


To do:

- finish recovering two chairs

- four more chapters in science with DS7 and a unit test

- math chapter with DS12

- schedule dentist appointment for DH

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11 ish - dd is done with science.

Ds is done with guitar.


Ds is now working on Latin.


I got a pillow and some blankets put away. This was not as easy as it sounds because I had to take a whole bunch of boxes out of the closet first just so I could get them into the right bin - which is why they've been sitting there for a week waiting for me to actually do it. But now it's done!


Laundry is sorted and the first load is chugging along in happy soapiness.


Next up: Work with dd on spelling and Japanese. I'd love to keep my momentum going on the house but I guess this teacher gig is important too!

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Thanks Jean, I had no idea what it was. Makes sense now.



Fold yesterday's washing and put it away

Make breakfast in bed for DD2

Herd family out of the house

Do a couple of loads of laundry and hang them out

Sort out the dining room cupboard

Sort out the corner in the dining room

Sort out school work for the next nine weeks or so

Sort dinner

Go fishing with the family later

Tie up the tomato plants with DH

Vacuum so it is done for bbq visitors tomorrow

Make the spare bed with clean sheets

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Almost 1 pm. Lunch is cooking and none too soon. I am almost dead but I think some lunch will revive me.


Spelling and Japanese with dd is done.

Ds is done with geometry and is almost done with Latin.


Dd and I put a second coat on the cat's bathroom ceiling. Then I painted the trim the same color as the ceiling. The color which looks very lovely on the ceiling, looks pukey on the trim. I'm not sure if it's just because it needs a second coat or not. If it still looks bad after the second coat I'll paint it the same color as the walls (which are darker).

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Guest inoubliable

So far:

- 3 chapters in science with DS7

- DS12 finished up a book

- beds stripped, sheets washed and dried (cheated and used the dryer), beds remade

-box made up of random items from the house for the popup camper, waiting to be taken out to the camper

- homeschooling books listed here on classifieds

- second load of laundry is soaking


To do:

- finish recovering two chairs

- four more chapters in science with DS7 and a unit test two more chapters left

- math chapter with DS12

- schedule dentist appointment for DH


Losing steam. Big time. These sneezing fits are leaving me exhausted and sore. My littlest is taking a nap and I'm seriously considering joining him.

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Right, it's nearing on 12pm, but the family is still away, have a half load of laundry almost ready for the line and that will be all done.


Fold yesterday's washing and put it away

Make breakfast in bed for DD2

Herd family out of the house

Do a couple of loads of laundry and hang them out

Sort out the dining room cupboard

Sort out the corner in the dining room

Sort out school work for the next nine weeks or so

Sort dinner

Go fishing with the family later

Tie up the tomato plants with DH

Vacuum so it is done for bbq visitors tomorrow

Make the spare bed with clean sheets


I tricked the blossoms before they went out and said do ten minutes in your rooms, so the rooms are almost all tidy again. It is amazing how little time these things take, but seem so daunting when you look at them.

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OK - I've crashed big time. I've slept for an hour. I can barely move. My kids have gotten me food and water and I was able to get over here to the computer. This is only half of where I need to get to. I have to go to the grocery store - I don't have anything for dinner if I don't. And we need to leave for volunteering after that. OK - I'm going to put on my shoes. One step at a time. . .

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Hang in there Jean. Hope you manage to keep going.


Fold yesterday's washing and put it away

Make breakfast in bed for DD2

Herd family out of the house

Do a couple of loads of laundry and hang them out

Sort out the dining room cupboard

Sort out the corner in the dining room

Sort out school work for the next nine weeks or so

Sort dinner

Go fishing with the family later

Tie up the tomato plants with DH

Vacuum so it is done for bbq visitors tomorrow

Make the spare bed with clean sheets



Making progress, it's 1.20pm and lunch has just arrived.

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5 pm - grocery shopping done. Shrimp scampi is being cooked. A pre-made salad from the grocery store is on the table. Dh came in, took one look and me and said "I thought you were heading for a crash." Got to leave for my dd's volunteering in 20 min. I get to sit and stare at nothing if I want. But I'll probably go to my Zumba happy place. Might not be the best place for my adrenals though. We'll see how I feel.

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I did everything but dust--I knew it wasn't going to happen ;) I did an extra load of laundry because the boys played outside and by that I mean the 2 year old pretty much rolled around in the mud(remember all that rain we had the other day?). He was covered from head to toe. There was mud(and I mean real mud) in his diaper!

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I'm coming in very late. I love this thread because it always inspires me to find "just one little extra thing" to accomplish.


Done Today:

Happy Birthday Breakfast for dd4 (is it possible that my baby is 4yo?) :001_wub:

Cleaned off lotion that was spread all over bathroom mirror (as accomplished by newly 4yodd)

Cooked, pureed, & froze Halloween & garden pumpkins (yes, they've been on my kitchen counter that long)

Cleaned pumpkin seeds and set out to dry for planting next summer

Supervised the removal of cardboard boxes, lumber, and bubblewrap from the stream out back (perpetrators - 6yo and 10yo dds.)


Bank, grocery store, gas

Food co-op pickup

Wrote a pretty scale and arpeggio arrangement to teach the youngers (2 violins and cello)


Still to do:

Listen to some Santana while finding a new home for my cluttery kitchen counter paper catcher.

Modify embroidery pattern

Finish reading The Passage

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It's 10.15pm and I'm going to bed. I will vacuum in the morning, but that's a fairly good list done today. I'm pleased with all I've done today and had a great evening out with my family.


Fold yesterday's washing and put it away

Make breakfast in bed for DD2

Herd family out of the house

Do a couple of loads of laundry and hang them out

Sort out the dining room cupboard

Sort out the corner in the dining room

Sort out school work for the next nine weeks or so

Sort dinner

Go fishing with the family later

Tie up the tomato plants with DH

Vacuum so it is done for bbq visitors tomorrow

Make the spare bed with clean sheets

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