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My mom doesn't use the heart, and there's a little part of something else that's hard in texture that she doesn't use, but other than that, she grinds up the giblets in one of those hand-cranked extruding grinders, then mixes them into hamburger, then grinds it all together again, adding in ground up onion and celery. Then she fries it all in butter.




But it's really good.

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Use them to make stock for gravy. AFter they have been cooked, you can decide if you want to chop them up and eat them, or just considered them used and pitch them.

I vote for pitch. DH likes them doused with S and P and some flour and fried.


We do any number of these...

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Blerg. My mother always puts these in the dag-gum gravy. I hate that. She eats those things like candy. :ack2:


We crab in the summer, so I freeze them for crab bait. That's not your every-day solution, though! :laugh:

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What the heck is a giblet anyway? I am roasting a chicken right now too. I usually pitch them but threw them in my soup bag in the freezer. I am going to make stock with it I guess.



I imagine it is a politer, more appetizing way of saying chicken guts. At least that is how I see it! lol

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Haha, you're right! I just looked it up. And saw this...



But here's an interesting fact about that bag of giblets: The organs and neck found in that bag aren't from that particular chicken.


Um, yeah, I was surprised when I learned that too. MY DH used to work in a poultry process plants. (Maintenance and then Plant Engineer).

We toured the last one he worked at during a promotionaly tour they were doing for the community. I was so shocked to see them just stuffing one of each into a bag and then that bag later on was put into a bird.. But seriously, how on earth would they keep those parts attached while the rest of the bird was being processed.

They couldn't, can't and they don't.

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I throw it all in the freezer until I make stock the next time.


When I make stock, I boil it down until it is super duper thick, cut it into cubes after it cools, then freeze it. Add a cube and top with water, and you've got a cup of homemade stock! Keeping it at stock consistency makes it too bulky to freeze.

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i do the same! i make a huge pot of stock with the bones and scraps of veggies I have saved in the freezer. I havent had the stock bitter ever, but i dont put a ton of liver in, just whatever came out of the chicken! Makes for delicious stock! I hope you arent throwing away the ends of your onions or peels or other veggies, they are perfect for a thick stock!

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