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Is it just me or was this totally inappropriate?


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We've been out of town, staying near some friends and about 45 minutes from another family that we're friends with. They've come over every day so their kids can play with our two youngest. They came over again today for a church party and the kids were all together from 6pm until 11. Then they were getting ready to go and the kids all came running into the kitchen where dh and I were and announced that their parents said that, if it was all right with us, they would leave the kids with us while they drove the other people that they had brought to the party home and then come back for the kids in an hour and a half. So we get to be the bad guys who say that 11pm is late enough and my kids need to go to bed. I know that it's New Year's Eve, but the church party had ended at 10, and dh and I had just been talking in front of the husband about how tired we were because we've had a lot of late nights, and how dh needs to take better care of himself and get more regular sleep because when he gets ill he gets really, really ill. In fact he spent Saturday and Sunday in bed with an inner ear infection and is still not 100%. I just can't believe that they would suggest leaving a 12yo, 8yo and 5yo until 12:30 at night. Am I just a complete fuddy-duddy? My kids got really mad at me, but fortunately they got over it quickly.

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Nope, not in my opinion! You have to look out for your family FIRST!! I would have done the same thing! It sounds like they are overstaying their welcome anyway, being there EVERY day...but maybe I read the situation wrong?


But there is no way I would allow what they were asking; just call me a fuddy duddy too!



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I doubt it was all that thought out. In my experience kids (including my own) get together and "decide" what would be a great plan. Then they spring it on one set of parents or the other. Often the first ones asked will say (sometimes hesitantly) "Well, if it's ok with _________'s parents. . ." I wouldn't spend much time thinking about it. You said no, and they got over it!

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It's also possible that they intended for their kids to stay up on this special night and just assumed your kids would be staying up as well. People shouldn't assume though. At least you said no. I'm a pushover. I would have given my permission and then vent to my DH.

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