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"Open and Go" for 6th

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I'm having so much trouble deciding!


I've been seriously looking at Oak Meadow, but I've just read a couple of things that make me think it's not quote as "all there for you" as I thought it might be.


I am NOT organized, and I have a part-time job (though I pray that's short lived).


My dd is very motivated and loves to learn, but I know I'll need something that will stretch her imagination and keep her interest, but still be relatively laid out. She loves science, so I'm a little concerned about that with OM, also.


Please help. I know this is the next right step for us, but I just can't get a firm grip on which direction to go with regard to curriculum.




P.S. I've also looked at Moving Beyond the Page, but HOLY COW the price!!!

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Are you looking for something little bit Waldorf, or anything that is open and go? If your daughter likes to read a lot, you could look at Living Books Curriculum. It is not based on Waldorf. It is based on Charlotte Mason. It is all planned out. I'm not sure of what price range you are looking for, but with Living Books you can buy books for one term at a time, or if you have a good library you could get them there. I know a few people who have used this with their kids and really love it.


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I posted before the boards went down earlier today, but I'll repost a more succinct response.


I just ordered OM's 5th grade science and history for the same reasons you posted above. I like that the material is written to the student, and I love the natural, artsy presentation. If this works out well, we'll add more OM next year. I've looked at the materials in prior years, but just couldn't pull the trigger. Time is ticking away for my oldest, and this material seems to be more like the flavor I want for our homeschool.

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I posted too before the boards went down recommending So You Really Want to Learn books, from Galore Park. You could have a look at books 1 or 2 for that age. Links for English, maths, geography, science here. The history is probably too UK-centred for you. Books are available in the US from horriblebooks.com and shipped free to most countries worldwide from bookdepository.co.uk.


FWIW, I have used the English and maths books, but not the science or geography ones. Geography in the UK includes earth science and some economics.



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....and how do the other recommended curric.'s line up?

I'm starting to run out of steam as a HS mom and I think this thread is timely for me.





Galore Park books are written for use in private schools in the UK. I doubt that you would have any problems showing that they are at a good standard, but I can't help with the specifics. They tend to move a bit faster than the equivalent books used in UK state (government run) schools.


I found the English and maths to be completely open-and-go. I haven't used the others. The most I did for the English was turn to the back of each chapter and order the recommended books from the library.


I also used Galore Park RE, French, Greek and Latin, and can talk about those if you are interested.



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Thank you very much, Laura. I will be looking into Galore Park.



Just a quick note: the maths includes algebra and geometry but - as is the UK norm - these and other topics are studied as mixed maths every year. You would need to work out if this fits with your idea of the coming years.



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Meh. I've checked out MemoriaPress, and I don't think classical is the way for us. I like SOME of the Waldorf and Charlotte Mason stuff. I checked out Heart of Dakota. I like a lot of what I see there, but I haven't read many reviews yet. (I'm still doing my homework on that one.) It's so difficult to judge for sure until you get it, I imagine.. I've looked a Sonlight, too. Choosing a Math is a bit daunting. I'm most familiar with Saxon, but placement for a lot of the programs is intimidating to me, as well. Thanks for all the input. I'd love to hear more thoughts from others, as well.

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Calvert is cheaper than K12 purchased directly with teaching assistance. Go to the K12 website. Then, go to courses. Click on a course and it will give you the option to purchase it independently.


Actually, in 6th grade Calvert with ATS ($1996) is comparable in cost to enrolling in OM ($2030).


I have also been looking at these options. I do want teaching assistance and not just the product.



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I posted too before the Boards went down. I suggested K12. You can use is as an Independent, like we are. Skip the music courses, though. The Hive's general opinion isn't very high for them. Second is LOVING it. He feels like he is learning someting new for the first time in a long time. All I do is read his essays. He does everything else on his own.


Have you looked at Memoria Press? You can easily add, subtract or substitute from the packages. 7th is available if you call the MP office. 8th is supposed to be ready for fall.



When you use it as an Independent, ...what do you get? Does it set up the schedule and send you the materials?


Is it ok, OP, that I am asking all this? I hope so.... I am also interested in open and go for 6th. Would prefer teacher support but :svengo:

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Hi, all.


I was just doing a Calvert search and ran across your comments. I use Calvert for first, second, third, fourth, and now fifth grades.


Of note, Calvert has changed their math program to using "Math in Focus", a Singapore program, and they have written a Calvert math manual to go with Math in Focus. Currently, only first and second grades are available. I'm told by the advisors that 3-6th grades will be available next school year. You can still purchase Calvert math. I presently use both Math in Focus and Calvert math for my fifth grader. I went ahead and changed to the Singapore program since it sounds like Calvert will be doing so as well. The Calvert Manual helps and they coordinate online math games and tutorials with MIF. I wish I had it for my fifth grader already! Hope this helps..

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Well Calvert is academically advanced, very well laid out, and self taught at that age. The 6-8th Science is a favorite.


But the price is through the roof...worth it if its what you want though.


Calvert is the only curriculum I have found in my 20yrs doing this that is truly an open and go curriculum. At 6th grade the manuals are written to the child so you are there only for clarification and correction (and for an extra fee you can have them correct). The curriculum is well done and not skimping in anyway, interesting, fun, and has computer lessons that integrate with what they are learning. Everything is there including literature (you can add in extra if you want and it is scheduled in), computer, poetry, and art. The only drawback is the price, it is expensive, but it worth it if you can afford it.

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