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New computer--how to protect it (antivirus, anti-other?)

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Our old computer was a horrible mess and I think it was at least partly virus related (blue screens of death constantly; redirect infection that would go to sites with trojans that we couldn't get rid of, etc.) We were using AVG free with that computer.


My parents completely surprised us with a laptop for Christmas. What can I do to protect this computer?


I bought Malware bites--is that good? Do I need something else along those lines?


For anti-virus it's got a free trial of Norton that came already installed running now. I sort of like how it says things are safe (or not). I don't know if it is reliable though? Am I risking the computer relying on Norton until we decide what to use?


I would love advice.

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Anti Virus: We used the Free version of AVG for many years. Last April, they did a huge upgrade and then we were unable to surf the web. We removed AVG and I installed Avast. My wife just went back to the Free version of AVG on her PC. I am using Avast on this *old* PC and it seems to do the job. So, either AVG or Avast would be my recommendation, based on our personal experiences here.


Diagnostics, Utilities, etc., I have the Free version of Advanced SystemCare 6 on this *old* PC. It seems to be very stable. IMHO, if it will run on this legacy hardware, it will run on anything.

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McAfee is of the devil. :) It has hosed the operating system when we've tried to uninstall it (it comes pre-loaded on Dells).



EEEK. We ordered a Dell PC for DD in October. They put McAfee on it. 15 months of service. So far, I think it works OK. No problems on her PC, so far, but I won't try to uninstall it, until the 15 months have elapsed.

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