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kinder social studies and science?


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I am happy with what we have going for math, reading/phonics, handwriting (Kumon, Saxon math,reading eggs, ETC, HWT) and now I'm ready to add in social studies and science. I'm not really sure what to use though. I want something inexpensive and workbooks are fine. I'd love suggestions please :)

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I'm using Evan Moor's ScienceWorks K-1 level with my Kinder. http://www.evan-moor.com/search?q=name:%22scienceworks%20for%20kids,%20grades%201-3%22&specs=251 They're not workbooks, but more like teacher resource books to complete a unit in the topic. It doesn't take long to complete a book. (about a month or so.) They're really informal and they inspire conversations more than anything else. I also do Mudpies to Magnets projects with him.


For social studies/history, I just let him listen along to my ds's SOTW and he usually helps with the activities and gets his own coloring page. I just read anything and everything I can find about history that he seems interested in. Magic Tree House books usually spark some interest. We keep maps on the wall and talk about the states and countries. Really informal stuff at this level.

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Evan-Moor – Everyday Literacy: Science, Grade 1 (EMC 5026i)

Scholastic – Non-Fiction Literacy-Building Booklets & Activities (ISBN: 0439567211)


Evan-Moor has a Grade K level too, but DD was already halfway through her K year when we started...Grade 1 was great for her. We also pulled a few topics in from Grade K. I can't say enough about this science. It's all but open-and-go, engaging and features a perfect hands-on activity each week. You also do not need to buy any additional texts. It's all right there. DD retained the info well.


I have a couple of posts on my blog about it. We were nearly at the end when I started my blog or I would have more.









We used this for social studies. We didn't do everything...mostly just the history, people and holiday stuff. We only studied social studies about once a week, but not always every week. DD really enjoyed it. I did supplement with library books. I read a book or two and then we did the paper activity. She still has fond memories on the lessons and has kept many of her little projects. She loved singing the little corresponding songs too.




I bought and used the eBook. - http://teacherexpres...vities-mkt11442

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My science son loved Sonlight Science K at that age. It schedules science everyday and experiments once a week, so it may be overkill for a kid who isn't quite so into it, but ds learned a ton and it was his favorite thing that we did that year.


For history we enjoyed I Love America, which is a once a week introduction to the major figures and events in American History with read-alouds and a short project. It is conservative, but secular. The projects range from learning to sign the introduction to the Declaration of Independence, to creating a saltdough Native American village. You can supplement with more American History or let it stand on its own.


Both programs were more of an overview of the subjects rather than a really detailed exploration, which I think is a nice feature for K to just introduce them to the fun of content subjects that is to come in their education!

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My science son loved Sonlight Science K at that age. It schedules science everyday and experiments once a week, so it may be overkill for a kid who isn't quite so into it, but ds learned a ton and it was his favorite thing that we did that year.


For history we enjoyed I Love America, which is a once a week introduction to the major figures and events in American History with read-alouds and a short project. It is conservative, but secular. The projects range from learning to sign the introduction to the Declaration of Independence, to creating a saltdough Native American village. You can supplement with more American History or let it stand on its own.


Both programs were more of an overview of the subjects rather than a really detailed exploration, which I think is a nice feature for K to just introduce them to the fun of content subjects that is to come in their education!



Could you please tell us more about I Love America -- author, publisher, or a link? It sounds very interesting. Many thanks!

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We recently added Basic Foundations of Scientific Understanding (BFSU) and my kindys love it! FYI I'm using the $5 ebook download.



Same. It requires a fair amount of reading and set-up from the parent, but it is worth it for us -- both for the content covered and for how well my son is retaining what he learns in the lessons.

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I'm not sure what you are looking at for social studies, but we love Expedition Earth from COAH. It's country studies, so you learn a little about the people/culture/animals, etc of each country. She includes a schedule to complete each country in a week, I choose to use it as a checklist instead and spend 2-3 weeks per country. Inexpensive, there are a few core books to buy, we didn't get all of them.

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