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Teachers Lounge 12-17-12


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:willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly:


Only 8 days until Christmas!!!!


Oh, wait, let me back up. Welcome to the Teachers Lounge! :coolgleamA:


Usually, I say, "Come on in, prop up your feet, and chat! Only teachers welcome. NO KIDS!"


Today I need to vent just a little.


Before the zinger of a question today, I need to qualify it by saying I truly have

a great husband. There are some things, thought, he just doesn't GET.


Any of your spouses ask you what you want for Christmas and then negate what you said?


I reasonably, I think, asked for a KitchenAid Professional 6000, and I even found a friend

who doesn't use hers and is willing to negotiate a deal for it. My husband's response?

"Where will we put it? Can we keep it in their kitchen?" :glare:


I also would like a house with a YARD for my kids to play in and the Pathfinder we

test drove a couple of months back. Yes, these are rather pricey items but we are in a

position where we could get one or the other. It's his fault I want the Pathfinder anyway,



Last night as we were on a mini-date at a restaurant, I finally said, "I've told you what I want.

Everything I want you can't (or won't) give me." He said: "You just need to change your wants." :angry:

I said, "No, I just need to change my expectations of having those wants fulfilled."


The last thing I told him last night, about what he could get me for Christmas, was two books he could

download straight to my NOOK.


Yes, we've read the 5 Love Languages book. My friend said we probably need to read it again! :lol:


I hope some of you have spouses that really lavish you with the gifts you want!


Talk to me! :cool:

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Sorry you aren't getting what you want. If it's any consolation, I have had to wait a year for what I wanted. Last Dec. my car finally died. We donated it to charity it was in such poor condition. We have been a 1 vehicle family for the last year. Finally last week dh said we had saved enough and could get a small loan to get something for me. We got a great deal on a 2007 Town & Country minivan last week. It's my Christmas gift this year and I couldn't be happier about it!

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I feel your pain about the kitchenAid. I wanted one for years, but my dh said it would make him fat from all of the baked goods. My parents sent me one for Christmas. After this many years of marriage and being disappointed about gifts frequently, we have decided to pick out our own gifts. That way we get what we really want with our limited budget.

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Good Morning.


I'm no help - I always ask for warm socks which drives my dh crazy. Although I did buy myself a kitchen aid mixer. I also bought one for my sister when her dense husband didn't get her one when she asked for it. I hate having kitchen appliances on my counter but my mixer and my coffee pot both get a spot - everything else gets put in the tiny pantry or in a cabinet.

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Karen, warm socks are IMPORTANT. I was blessed one year by a co-worker who gave everyone cute little holiday socks

he'd bought for each of us from Walgreens. I STILL have those socks because they are so warm! Who knew!


Maybe I can talk hubby into just LOOKING at houses next weekend. . .

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