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Another PC/Mac ??


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Do Mac's have the same amount of updates as PC's? I am sooooo sick of all the Windows updates. They drive me insane. Especially since I pay for internet based on my usage and downloading gazillions of MB's in updates is frustrating -- and expensive!


And has anyone ever run into problems with homeschool curriculum that is web-based and/or downloadable not being Mac compatible?

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The most updates you may have is when you first turn your mac on. After that, they are very few and far between. Maybe one a month, if that. Depends on how many programs you put on it. I've never had any problem with anything not being compatible. I know TOG is, because I have it. Have downloaded all kinds of other random things over the years too.


Edited to explain, the updates I was talking about when you first turn it on - by that, I mean the first time you turn it on out of the box and set it up. Then there will be whatever updates have come since it was programmed and boxed.

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Few updates--less than once a month...


I have a few programs that I use/need that are not Mac compatible... easy solution. I partitioned off part of my Mac and I use a program called VMware Fusion to boot up Windows when needed. There are several similar programs out there. I turn 'off' the Windows partition when I'm not using it. I do get those annoying Windows updates on that side-- more than one per week lately! My Windows partition does not run as fast as if it were a dedicated computer--but it is great for what I use it for (my worksheet generating programs).


My oldest dd also has a Mac-- she uses something called 'Boot Camp' to run her partitioned side for a few Windows based games she plays online.

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I've done two Operating System upgrades since I got this Mac. The updates are pretty few and far between.


We returned a Windows 8 laptop for DH's work that crashed twice due to hanging up on Windows updates. Apparently there was a driver conflict but I refuse to uninstall said drivers every day so Windows can install yet another update. We returned it and got him a Windows 7 and while it does update a lot - at least it's not rendering the laptops expensive paperweights.

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I've done two Operating System upgrades since I got this Mac. The updates are pretty few and far between.


We returned a Windows 8 laptop for DH's work that crashed twice due to hanging up on Windows updates. Apparently there was a driver conflict but I refuse to uninstall said drivers every day so Windows can install yet another update. We returned it and got him a Windows 7 and while it does update a lot - at least it's not rendering the laptops expensive paperweights.


This is another pet peeve of mine regarding PC's -- Microsoft changing the OS almost every year, it seems! And if you don't get a new system, evenutally the old ones won't accept the updates and then you are forced to upgrade and then all the old programs/games/etc you purchased aren't designed for the new system and you are back at square one. Can you tell I am bitter?? LOL

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This is another pet peeve of mine regarding PC's -- Microsoft changing the OS almost every year, it seems! And if you don't get a new system, evenutally the old ones won't accept the updates and then you are forced to upgrade and then all the old programs/games/etc you purchased aren't designed for the new system and you are back at square one. Can you tell I am bitter?? LOL


Drove me nuts. A lot of DH's programs run only on XP (voltage drop calculators). I could figure out how to run them on Windows 7 but not with Windows 8. Windows Updates killed an older laptop I had with Vista on it. :(


Yeah, I love my Macs.

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