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If you combine BA 3 with MM 3...


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... which curriculum is your spine? I'm planning to start dd on a combo of these curricula in January and I'm trying to figure out how I want to do it. Right now, I think we might lead with BA and then use MM as reinforcement of the concepts. But then I could see leading with MM and supplementing with BA as the more "fun" stuff. FWIW, I have the older (not common core aligned) MM light blue series and until now, this has been her only math curriculum. Thoughts?


OH! And we have BA 3a and 3b at the moment. I'm figuring we'd start with BA 3a but if anyone has other ideas, I'm open to hearing them.

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If you haven't used it yet, I'd probably not use BA as your spine. Continue with MM as usual, and add in BA for fun, possibly alternating the two or something. You may be able to skip things in MM sometimes after learning them in BA, but really, the two are not aligned, and BA teaches some things that you won't see in MM at all.


Once you've been using BA for a while, if it turns out to be a great fit for your child, you could switch it to be the "spine" curriculum. I'd just be careful about doing so, since the whole series isn't out yet. Their release dates keep getting pushed back. I'd only use it as a spine with a child that is highly accelerated in math, who wouldn't be harmed by "curriculum hopping" when they run out of BA.

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We used the (old) MM 3A & 3B as our spine and began dabbling with BA 3A while finishing the 'year' of MM. We finished MM 3B before Thanksgiving and since have been on hiatus with MM; we've completed BA 3A and the first two chapters of 3B, plus some of SM CWP 3 in the interim. I plan to finish BA 3B and the CWP book before returning to MM4 in January. My daughter calls BA and CWP "fun math", though it certainly isn't easy for her, it is a fun change of pace. I'm sure she'll enjoy the switch back to MM too, as it is a very good fit for her learning style and seems just to make sense to her.

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Our stituation was different, because BA didn't come out till we were more than halfway through MM4, but I got A & B, and I would concur with the suggestion to do Geometry via BA (the shapes & perimeter & area chapters) rather than MM! We basically skipped the geometry in MM4 and used BA instead, and it was meatier and deeper. I absolutely love MM, but the geometry is my least favorite part, and BA geometry really enriched that.


So if you end up using BA3 & MM3 together, don't be surprised if you can skip a lot of the MM geometry next year!

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We are doing this. I use MM as the spine and spice things up with BA and LOF. I can tell when she's getting bored with the workbook type thing, so then I just pull out one of the others. Keeps things interesting for her and helps her brain think problems through in different ways. Honestly, with some children, I think BA or LOF would make perfectly lovely spines. Dd is probably one of them, but I like MM because math is not MY strongest area, and I feel MM sort of holds my hand.

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Our stituation was different, because BA didn't come out till we were more than halfway through MM4, but I got A & B, and I would concur with the suggestion to do Geometry via BA (the shapes & perimeter & area chapters) rather than MM! We basically skipped the geometry in MM4 and used BA instead, and it was meatier and deeper. I absolutely love MM, but the geometry is my least favorite part, and BA geometry really enriched that.


So if you end up using BA3 & MM3 together, don't be surprised if you can skip a lot of the MM geometry next year!


Thanks for the head's up! That's good to know! :001_smile:

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