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How much do you spend on each child for Christmas?

Peaceful Isle

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Just curious on how much other moms are spending on their kids for Christmas. :)

We budgeted about 100 dollars per kid, which does not buy much these days.

Wondering if I am on the high end, or low end? Also, what are your elementary kids into? Any ideas on inexpensive gifts that could stretch the dollar, would be greatly appreciated.

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We always did $100 per kid when they were little. This was before the economy went downhill and everything got so expensive, so I was able to get a fair amount for that much money. Plus, my parents always spend at least that much on my kids as well. I find I'm probably spending closer to $150 now that they are older. I only have two kids, though and my husband and I do not exchange gifts.



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For us, it depends on the year. When they were little and getting gifts from SO many other people, we hardly spent anything! As they get older and want more expensive things, we spend more. A couple years ago, one child got a laptop. That was a splurge. This year, we're going VERY simple as the older boys can't figure anything out they want/need. So, we're counting our family vacation in January as Christmas. (They will each get a couple of things - but I don't think I spent even $50 each - and that is after buying an American Girl doll ($50) for Meg!!)

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