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I need Flylady. Or something.


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We try to clean for 20 minutes everyday, in one block. The whole family gets involved.


The kids go to my friend's house once/week for a few hours. I pay her and her kids are also homeschooled so they're with other kiddos getting needed social time. I schedule as much as I can into that time (grocery, doctors, lunch with friends or DH, shopping, email, bills, clients, homeschool lesson planning, etc)


Picking up your own things in non-negotiable. The kids were a lot messier when they weren't the ones having to do all the picking up.


Not moving forward with our day until whatever I need done is done. It only took a few times of not going to something or whatever before they realized I was serious.

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For me - a MASSIVE decluttering. So far I've done every room except my craft loft a d that'll be tomorrow. I mean MASSIVE. Chucked or donated piles of stuff.


Then FlyLady. I Find her helpful. I delete 80% of the email without reading them but the 20% help.


And most importantly - pick up after yourself. Constantly.

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I agree with decluttering and putting things away. As I am decluttering, I am making a "home" for everything in our house. If it does not have a home, it goes in the donate box. I am bad, even after more than a decade of homeschooling, about harboring old curricula, especially things I may need "some day". On the other hand, I sometimes get over zealous and get rid of things I wish I still had. Working on finding balance and getting my house together at the same time. A book that has helped me is titled More Hours in My Day by Emilie Barnes. I read it a number of years ago and still use some of the advice.


Off to visit Flylady.

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Part of my problem is that we are still living in a half remodeled house, so I feel lost on what to do. I end up, not with a lot of clutter, but on wasting my day on the computer.



Yeah, that's a tough one. One time I read this thing about how kids can get jealous about the amount of attention you give to the computer, as if it's another child. And if that "other child" gets more attention than actual children that's a problem. Understanding that helped me cut back. When I'm on the computer I think of it as a child I'm giving attention to and I'm aware of how that would affect my other children if it were a real child they were competing with.

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