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Stalled Reading Progress

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My first grader seems to have stalled in his reading progress. He started the year well above his classmates in terms of reading level, and now he is right on par with where they should be. I'm concerned that he will fall behind and then I'll be working to catch up. We've been reading some at home, but not as much as we do over the summer when we have more time. I try to do reading instruction with him two times a week and then read with him each night, although for the last month or two, that hasn't happened as frequently.


My other son is dyslexic, so I don't think I have a good gauge for normal reading progression. I don't want to push him too hard if he's not ready, or should I increase the reading time we have together. Any ideas on how to jump start his reading progress again? Or should I be patient and he'll get there when he's ready?

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I know that at least two other kids who were at his level at the beginning of the year have moved up in levels. One quite a bit so. I know they were the three strongest readers at the beginning of the year, so it could be they didn't get pushed like the other kids. However, this teacher is great and does give them tougher books to read and spelling lists. Perhaps I need to talk with the teacher to get her thoughts.

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I know that at least two other kids who were at his level at the beginning of the year have moved up in levels. One quite a bit so.



I made my older boy read story books for an hour everyday after school when he was in first grade in a B&M school and his teacher had to concentrate on the other students. The first month of school I did not do that as I was busy with his back to school stuff and his reading stalled. The books in the classroom were below his reading level so I supplemented with home and library books that are close to his level.


I wouldn't worried about stalled reading level per se as children may like certain series of books that are of the same level. Just make sure your son is exposed to slightly harder reading material to challenge him.

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