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Autism Awareness

amy g.

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My daughter with Autism has to do a group project for her community college final. You can imagine how stressful that is for her.


The group picked a topic for their service project of....you guessed it....Autism Awareness.


She told me, "Mom, you wouldn't believe it, The way they talk about Autism, you'd think it was cancer."


I told her that I would believe it, because that is how our society views Autism. When a parent is told their child has Autism, it feels like they were told their child has cancer.


Her part of the project is starting a Facebook Page to promote Autism Awareness. It is called "Get Involved Service Project" now because that is the name of the final, she said she will change it when the class over.


She was frustrated because the group didn't want to do anything that she believed would make a difference in the world.


As we talked, I told her that she really does have experiences and insights that could expand others' ideas about Autism if she ever wanted to share them.


Suddenly, she got excited about changing the avatar to a picture of Mr. Spock and about spreading the idea that sometimes it is a gift to be different.


She hasn't put anything on the Facebook page yet because she went straight from class to Volunteer at the horse therapy facility. It would be fantastic if she came home and her empty Facebook page already had some likes. Hint hint


On another note, she made friend with an older girl at the Renaissance Festival. The friend correctly diagnosed my friend with an infected gallbladder when her own doctors were baffled. When I told her that she was right, she said, "We'll, I did finish medical school, but I've never really practiced" Later she told me it was because of her autism that she doesn't practice.


I'm just so thankful that God sent her a friend who she can really understand. Even the frustrating assignment is helping her really embrace the ways that she is different.


In the midst of all of our current busyness. I'm so thankful that I can glimpse how everything is all working together for the good.

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That's wonderful! On Facebook, your dd may also want to follow: Karla's ASD Page and ThAuTcast. Both are run by autistic adults. I follow them because my 14yo dd is on the spectrum. I have learned SO much from them. It's going to take awhile for the 'mainstream' folk (aka NTs) to understand that autism is not a disease nor a death sentence. It's simply a different wiring of the brain. But you and I, and our daughters, already know that! :-h

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love the idea of spock as the page avatar to show their are good things about these differences, it's not all horrible. just different. in some ways, becasue those with asd look at things differently, they can have insights NT's aren't capable of.


did you ever read all cat's have aspergers? (or all dogs have adhd?)

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