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Need Encouragement...Pregnancy related


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After ds5 was born, I had an IUD put in for bc. Last year I had the IUD removed, and we have not prevented pregnancy since then. I was really hopeful this would be our month and we would be able to announce our pregnancy at Christmas. It has been a full year this month, and nothing has happened. The boys are getting older, and I'm starting to get discouraged at the age difference there will be if we can have another one, but I'm not ready to give up yet. Since we have started trying, my sister has gotten pg and had a baby girl. I wanted to have one close in age to her. We are really trying to just give it to God, and let things happen as they will. The boys are begging for a baby, my family is asking about it, and it is hard when my mom tells me she thinks I am pg and just not telling her (my sister waited until after the first trimester to tell anyone). We have never had a problem conceiving before. With ds5, we were using fam and the one time I was fertile he was conceived. We don't plan to seek any medical help to have another. We know we are blessed to have the two we have, and if our family is complete we will be happy. I just never expected that a year after the removal I would still not be pregnant.

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It's hard when your body is confusing! I get it. It could be just your body taking a long while to get back to normal after the IUD - was it a hormonal IUD? Do you know if you are ovulating? (don't have to answer that!)



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