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Birthday Party Ideas for CHEAP


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I'm trying to plan a birthday party for my (will be) 7 year old boy. He's wanting to do something crazy and expensive that I can't do. So, I still wanted to make it a blast for him. I know there are moms (or dads) out there that throw great birthday parties for super cheap (or just the cost of the cake). Any ideas? Also, our house is SUPER small so I'm trying to think through that. My daughter has a birthday shortly after. Why did I not space these birthdays out better??? And NOT right next to Christmas???

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It was 70 degrees here yesterday but this weekend it's supposed to be 40. I'm thinking that it would be best to do the party at the beginning of Jan so that the parents are settled down some from the holidays? He's wanting to go to a place that's sorta like Chuck e cheese but on steroids. lol That's way out of my price range.

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We just had a lego ninjago theme but could also be ninjas or spies.



We made origami throwing stars and hung a hula hoop up. The kids had to throw their stars through the hoop.


I have seen a hallway turned into a laser bean course to crawl through, either by taping crepe paper across the walls or yarn. The kids had to get down the hallway.


We had obstacle course stuff in the yard, traffic cones, walk down a 2 x 4 board, hurdle short DIY pvc pipe hurdles, frisbee tag.


I made bean bags and cut out pictures that were taped to water bottles. The kids had to knock them over with a bean bag.


Another time, we had a scavenger hunt through the house with clues.

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I can throw out some ideas. What was his dream birthday? $25 is our usual birthday budget. A few random ideas:

A pinata. You can do a simple paper mache and balloon one, or tape thin boxes together (like cereal boxes) and cover it with paper to decorate. Pinatas are a huge hit around here.


Pick a theme and plan activities to go with it. You can find plenty of DIY ideas online for almost any theme. For example, for a space party we had "Pin Earth on the solar system," we made toothpick and marshmallow space crafts and had space shuttle races (Paper shuttles and balloons taped to a straw. Straw place on a string taped to a wall. Blow up balloon and let it go. The shuttle races forward.)


I always make the cake. My decorating skills are so-so but my kids aren't picky.


We go with simple party food -- homemade pizza, hot dogs and sliced fruit, finger sandwiches. Nothing complicated. I give a few options and my son picks which one he wants for the party.


A place for random play. I never script the whole thing. We've set up a Lego station in the living room before. Once we emptied out my office and filled it with blown up balloons and just let the kids go wild. Outdoor nerf wars are a hit with my older son.


If you absolutely can't have it at home because of space and you can't minimize the guest list, here's some ideas. Depending on your winter weather, a park may work. Libraries, community centers and churches sometimes have rooms you can rent cheaply. When I lived in a larger city, some apartments have party rooms the tenants can reserve. If you know anyone in an apartment, you could ask them to reserve it for you.

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This one hinges on your tolerance for mess:


We had an archaeology party one year, and the big hit was the rice and lentil dig. Two huge bins, one filled with rice, the other lentils (got them on the cheap at Costco). We buried a bunch of cheapie toys, candies, and other little treasures, then turned out the lights, handed the kids plastic shovels and flashlights, and told them to have at it.


A bunch of kids who surely would have thought themselves too old to play in a sandbox had more fun than I ever anticipated. They were telling us months later how much they loved digging in the lentils.


Downside: I was vacuuming rice from my carpet 9 months later. Really. Nine months. The lentils didn't prove such a problem. So I feel your pain on the winterborn kids thing; this would have been much less trouble had we been able to take it outside (perhaps not as much rebellious fun, though?).

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This one hinges on your tolerance for mess:


We had an archaeology party one year, and the big hit was the rice and lentil dig. Two huge bins, one filled with rice, the other lentils (got them on the cheap at Costco). We buried a bunch of cheapie toys, candies, and other little treasures, then turned out the lights, handed the kids plastic shovels and flashlights, and told them to have at it.


A bunch of kids who surely would have thought themselves too old to play in a sandbox had more fun than I ever anticipated. They were telling us months later how much they loved digging in the lentils.


Downside: I was vacuuming rice from my carpet 9 months later. Really. Nine months. The lentils didn't prove such a problem. So I feel your pain on the winterborn kids thing; this would have been much less trouble had we been able to take it outside (perhaps not as much rebellious fun, though?).



I have done the archeaology dig-and it is a huge hit.

Other games my kids have enjoyed:

Pass the orange-you need enough kids to form 2 teams and player one holds the orange under his/her chin and player 2 has to grab it with their chin.

Stomp on the balloon- everyone ties a balloon to their ankle and the kids stomp on them. Last one with an unpopped balloon wins.

Whip Cream eating contest-Put an m & m in the bottom of a mini pie tin. Fill with whip cream. Hands behind backs. First kid to find the m & m wins.

Fear Factor Taste Test

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I would look around for local events going on. Last year my son really wanted o have an animal/reptile theme party. I looked into one of the party services that bring large reptiles and animals to your home, and it was ridiculously expensive . I found a local Reptile Expo going on the weekend after my son's birthday. The free admittance

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I would look around for local events going on. Last year my son really wanted o have an animal/reptile theme party. I looked into one of the party services that bring large reptiles and animals to your home, and it was ridiculously expensive . I found a local Reptile Expo going on the weekend after my son's birthday. The admission was free and there were hundreds of different types of reptiles and amphibians to see. Most of the vendors even let the boys hold the animals. I fed the boys pizza and cake after the reptile expo. I still hase kids mentioning that party to me a year later and it cost me almost nothing.

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Guest inoubliable

Is it too cold to do an outdoor party? My middle kiddo will turn 8 in February - right about the time we start seeing a decent chance of snow around here. We also have a super tiny house, so we're planning on a Nerf War. We'll be keeping an eye out for small Nerf guns that go on sale/clearance after the holidays and pick up a few so that each kid gets a small Nerf gun to take home and they'll have something to do OUTSIDE and out of my hair. Smores sounds like a good idea, too!

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I''ve hosted outdoor parties in pretty cold weather, though not snow. We usually do scavenger type hunts in a nature preserve at the end of our black, followed by fire with smores and hot dogs. We made the pool noodle lightsabers for one of those parties, and they were huge hit. Usually, I just mention in the invitation that the boys are free to bring any "weaponry" to the party, and they enjoy bring their own. For our last outdoor party a few weeks ago, we had everyone bring a flashlight and they played capture the flag with flashlights in the dark

woods. It was a very big hit!

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