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Art and craft gift ideas for boys?


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I am looking for some cute do it yourself craft kits for my 6 year old boy. I have seen cute sewing kits on pinterest, but don't necessary know how to make them more boyish. He is getting a real tool set for Christmas and some scrap wood. I want ideas of kits I can put together myself. These will double up as Christmas gifts as well as keep him busy during the day when he is done with his work and his older brother is still working.

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Scupley Clay is modeling clay that stays soft until you bake it in the oven. Great suggestion.


Our boys love making things from Duct Tape, and there are several books that give step-by-step instructions.

They also love The Buck Book, making orgami creations from $1 bills. (Or really any orgami.)

Easy plastic models, balsa wood rockets.

There are quite a few Lego books out that have ideas for creating something NOT sold in a Lego kit.


Marshmallow guns are another fun thing to make and use. :001_smile: :001_smile:


Looking forward to hearing others' ideas.

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Haven't seen sculpey here! :-(



Have Amazon mail it to you! Great Christmas present, too. There are many different pkgs. This one is $15.




There are also lots of books with ideas. This was our kids' favorite:



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I am in Abu Dhabi...


I'm sorry! We never would have guessed! So that may limit your choices a bit. Then I'll just suggest you go "native" and make what the school kids in Abu Dhabi make!


Thanks for giving our sons a little geography lesson just now. They said, "Oh yeah, it's the capital of UAE."

And the Dubai Tower (which now is called Burj Khalifa) is 2 hours down the coast in Dubai. :)

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Can you put together little make a robot kits with old electronics bits or bolts and washers and the like? Or make a rocket ship kits with a half a paper towel tube and craft foam cut into triangles and so forth?


If you can't get Sculptey, could you get modeling clay? My kids always like that more anyway.

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Maybe this isn't what you have in mind, but something I've been wanting to do for my 6yo is a cardboard castle setup. You cut around the tops of tp and paper towel tubes for towers, and then the top edge of flat pieces adding windows and doors. Then your child can set up a castle with a little tape or other fastener.

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Oh, another project I did for my son twice now that was fun was a stained glass window activity. I gave him thin strips of black construction paper, and various shapes in various colors of tissue paper. Then I handed him a glue stick and let him go to town on our picture window. I love this project as much as the boys. We looked through a big Tiffany coffee table book ahead of time.

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If you have joined pinterest, you'll see tons of ideas for elementary art projects. You could put together a kit from many of them.

Here are some I've liked:



Both my boys love watercolor pencils and watercolor pastels.


They also like these alphabet letters to cut out & paste, but they do need a bit of help:



My 6 year old is really into paper airplanes (not really art but maybe kind of crafty?) so I often look up printables for that.


If yours does like paper projects, here's another awesome site:



There's a cute "skip counter" Brownie toy in there that we used when we were memorizing some of our numbers... I should dig those back out again.

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Some great ideas here!


I especially like the robot idea and the marshmallow shooter. I am pretty sure I can get PVC pipe here.


Shipping is outrageous. I do order my homeschooling stuff online but DH's company covers our education expenses so shipping is taken care of on those orders...too bad they don't consider art supplies as educational items..


Most things are available here. The problem is being able to find what you need when you need it.

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