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I'm going to lose it.


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We've experienced all sorts of interesting things while living here, but this absolutely takes the cake. We have a family of rats living in our overgrown raised flower bed. A neighbor put a poison packet down the hole; that didn't help. Dh went out and bought a whole rat trap kit with poison; that hasn't helped - well, I think that it may have killed part of the family, but there are at least one adult and two babies still alive. We're going to have to go out and clear out the entire raised bed to take away their nesting space, but I'm afraid that they'll just find another place to nest nearby. I'm petrified that they'll get into the house. We've got to kill them somehow, but how????? We have feral cats living in the barn across the lane to keep down the rat population there, but though they do come in our garden sometimes, they are apparently not interested in making a meal of this rat family. Any suggestions?

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Yeah, we've dealt with plenty of mice in the house. We even found a whole litter of newborn baby mice in the linen closet a few years ago. I can handle mice. I don't like them, but I don't freak out. Rats are a whole 'nuther story. I hadn't thought of an exterminator. In 12 years in this country, I've never seen one. I'm sure they must exist, though. Off to google search.

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We don't have rats but do get quite a few mice/moles living in the garden. I have never had luck getting them to chew through the bags of poison like they are suppose to. I have much better luck when I open the bag and just pour the poison directly into their holes. I believe their is some kind of warning that you are NOT suppose to do this but it's much more successful this way. I was sick this summer and didn't get out to "treat" my mice population. They devistated my garden. I have no sympathy for the buggers. Obviously if it's out loose you just have to take extra precautions that your kids don't get anywhere near it.

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Called an exterminator in the area. He said that I have to give it 3-5 days because rats are afraid of new things. If we don't have any success by the weekend, I'm supposed to call him back.


I'd appreciate prayers for the little monsters to die quickly. Thanks.

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