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DH has a skype interview today for a years posting in Kathmandu. Based on previous discussions with them he thinks he's likely to be offered the position. I know there are some folk here spread around Asia/India. Anyone in this region or has spent much time there? I was looking at the British School and the Kathmandu International School last night but the current plan is to continue home schooling DD 6.5 (& DS 3.5). Would love local hs contacts if anyone has them :)

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You know, I am not certain if we have anyone on the board that is currently near that area with the exception of Cammie and she is here only infrequently.


If you google for ex-pat information on the country and include "homeschooling" in the search, something might pop up...I did this when we first considered Thailand and Singapore when dh was looking for another position. I was able to get some very good, basic information that way.


Hopefully, Cammie will see this, but you might want to PM her as it could drop several pages back before she logs in next. At least with a PM, she may have a chance to respond to you later if she knows of anywhere you can get more information.


Good luck!


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Given the age of your children, also look for active mothers' groups. My experience was in a different country, but homeschoolers were few and far between, and most of the social activity happened through schools, so it got lonely. While dd was younger, the very active mothers' group was a life-saver. By age 5yrs, however, dd had long been the only one of her age not at school full-time. Afternoon activities with the group had helped for a while, after which we decided on an international school. It was a very positive experience for us - imagine a class of 22 kids with 15 languages represented. What a wonderful adventure for your family!

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I have been to Nepal 4 times, but have only one ex pat contact left. I LOVE Nepal. The Nepalese are the friendliest Asian people group, and they are beautiful to boot. The pollution in Kathmandu can be overwhelming, don't take many white clothes, lol. Also, things like zip loc bags and cheddar cheese just did not exist there the last time I was there.. Oh, soooo jealous of you. The International school is very rigorous and and my friend, Ned's older two children each skipped two years of college by going there. The home work for that school was unreal though.

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