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Tracy Anderson 30 day program


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Hi all,


I am doing a search for some weight loss program and run into a program from a lady called Tracy Anderson. Have never heard from her before, I figure I can ask around here to find out if anyone has done her program before and what you can tell ma about. Please share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Thanks. Be well


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I LOVE this program as well. It's a lot of work...well, time consuming maybe I should say. You have daily exercises (legs, abs, arms) which are not difficult--the abs are probably the hardest) and kind of fun actually. The book comes w/the DVD so you can follow along. It was easier for me to use the DVD vs. the book. There is also daily aerobic work. It starts easy and builds daily...again, not difficult although you will sweat like a pig. I did the exercises early in the am before the kids woke up and did the aerobic workout in the mid afternoon when we were done with school.


The diet part of it is not bad either. It's not a ton of food, and sometimes I would increase the serving size, but you snack 2x a day so you don't really ever feel hungry. I also drank a lot of water. It's mostly protein, veggies and fruit. I liked most of the recipes but a couple I had to swap out (I'm allergic to shrimp). I was pretty faithful, but if a birthday fell in that month I had cake. I probably had one or two glasses of wine during the month as well.


The results are really amazing. I lost almost 20 pounds, but more importantly, it changed my body. My abs, butt, and legs shrunk. I was really happy with the way I looked. I kept on a modified plan for another month or so because I was going on vacation, and lost a little more/defined my body a little more. Then I basically took a loooong break. I never gained weight, but very very slowly I did get softer and my clothes got a little tighter. I did it for a week just before Columbus Day weekend and just that one week lost a few pounds and noticed a difference in the mirror. And that was only exercise; not diet. I've gone off the wagon again; time is a real problem right now, but as soon as I can I'll start up again.


I've done my share of dieting and this is truly the first that's really made sense and the one where I've clearly seen the best results, on the scale, with my clothes and in the mirror.


LMK if I can answer any specific questions.

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I totally agree that 700 calories/day does not look good. However, I am considering the workout itself. I like the idea of working small muscle groups... I still need to look at the program to figure this out.

Thanks. Be well



You could maybe just increase the calories a little by adding in some healthy foods--so you have the energy you need to get through your workouts :)

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I just googled it. I read two different experiences. Both said the daily caloric intake was 700 or less per day. That is very dangerous.





I would look into something healthier. One or two lbs per week is the safest way to lose weight.



I cannot fathom eating only 700 calories. Ugh. And certainly not while taking up a new exercise program.

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I just googled it. I read two different experiences. Both said the daily caloric intake was 700 or less per day. That is very dangerous.





I would look into something healthier. One or two lbs per week is the safest way to lose weight.



I cannot fathom eating only 700 calories. Ugh. And certainly not while taking up a new exercise program.

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I do love Tracy Anderson. She really does change the appearance of your body. I did the 90 day program, Metamorphosis. It comes with a food menu plan, but I never calculated how many calories it is. I didn't follow the food plan because I don't diet due to nursing. So even without following the food plan my body changed. I didn't lose weight (and I wasn't looking to lose weight) but I became firmer and my muscles defined more than ever before.


I now use her dvds in rotation with a bunch of other workouts.


I also have her post pregnancy workout and like that one too. It's not just for women who've just had a baby.


I just went to her forum (when you buy Metamorphosis you become a member to her discussion forum) and it looks like she's come out with some new dvds. Woohoo.


She's doing a pregnancy dvd. Wish I'd had that for my pregnancies

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I have the book and several of her DVDs, and my verdict is that her workouts do work, but her diet is neither practical nor healthy for the average person.


She is definitely an acquired taste, though, and you should definitely watch some of her YouTube videos before you invest in her DVDs.


If you want to buy the DVDs, BJ's Wholesale Club has a few of them for only $8.99 each, and I think they're around $10 at Walmart, so unless you buy her complete Metamorphosis system, it won't cost much to try her workouts. I bought her Metamorphosis set at Target. I think it was $89.99, but it was on one of those specials where I got a $20 gift card free with my purchase. If you watch the weekly Target flyer, maybe they'll have the same promotion again before Christmas.


If you want to be able to return the set if you don't like it, you can get it at QVC.com. It will cost extra, but they'll take it back if you hate it.

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