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Time to tackle Tuesday....who is with me?


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Good morning! Happy Tuesday! As we get closer and closer to the holidays, I have more on my "to-do" list than usual. In order to get it done and retain some shred of sanity, I'm going to have to be very productive with my time. Having some accountability always helps me, so I thought I'd start a thread for us! So, post what you need to "tackle" this Tuesday so we can cheer each other on :hurray: and provide a source of encouragement and accountability :thumbup: ....

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On my list for today:


DONE~ strain turkey broth that has been cooking in the crockpot for a full day, freeze for making soup later

~3 loads of laundry (wash, dry, fold, put away)

~morning schoolwork

~make sense of the bundle of GS financial documents that I took over as treasurer for our troop


~make pumpkin bread (because I want some! :p )

~afternoon schoolwork

~prep dinner

~afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms & kitchen, decluttering)

~start putting up indoor Christmas decorations (if dh got them down from our shed attic)

~rearrange living room toys & furniture to make room for Christmas tree that will go up next weekend.

~take dd15 and dd5 to dance classes


~pick up package at KMart (Cyber Monday order)

~secure costumes for this weekend's holiday dance recital for dd15 and children's musical for dd5 & dd8

~pick dd15 up from dance (8pm)

~work on menu plan & calendar for December



I would love to also find the time to get in 2 miles on the treadmill, but I'm not sure that's going to happen today.

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Your list makes me tired, Jenn!

I don't know if I'm ready to tackle today yet.

I planned on working out first thing this morning, but woke with a headache. I can't stay in down dog position with my head pounding. LOL

So, I'm playing on the computer, watching my ebay auctions and sipping a diet Coke.

Plans for today:

Read to the kids. We're on our winter break so no school! :hurray:

Do some fun logic puzzles with my youngest.

Work at 11:30.

Mail ebay packages sold from yesterday.

Wrap gifs.

Organize garage sale stuff for this weekend.

Oh, and get rid of this headache. :)

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Me! Me! Me! :seeya: I'm with you!


I just woke up but but once I fully wake up and take my shower, I'm tackling school (this takes a huge chunk of my time this year). And I've got errands - bank and grocery store in particular. There is the eternal laundry, of course. And my special focus for housework is getting our t.v./electronics cabinet sorted out. Right now ds has such a tangle of cords and stuff that half of it in on the living room floor waiting for victims to trip and main. It looks very ugly and cluttered too. I want it all shut away neatly in the cabinet the way it was supposed to be.

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I'm coming a little late after I've already done a few things:


-trip to post office to send college son his phone charger which he forgot :glare: & return a zappos item (finished)

- grocery store (finished)

- hardware store to buy to fan switches for BIL to install this week (finished)

- buy yarn for ds's scarf project (finished)


- spend time warping my table loom with dd's Christmas present

- finished napkin project and remove from floor loom

- declutter my desk!

-clear up the kitchen from a weekend with college kids

-laundry so ds has school clothes tomorrow

-have youngest read to me when he gets home - it's been far too long since we last did that.

-write up my contact notes from yesterday's hospice visits (finished)

- clean master bath

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Your list makes me tired, Jenn!

I don't know if I'm ready to tackle today yet.

I planned on working out first thing this morning, but woke with a headache. I can't stay in down dog position with my head pounding. LOL

So, I'm playing on the computer, watching my ebay auctions and sipping a diet Coke.

Plans for today:

Read to the kids. We're on our winter break so no school! :hurray:

Do some fun logic puzzles with my youngest.

Work at 11:30.

Mail ebay packages sold from yesterday.

Wrap gifs.

Organize garage sale stuff for this weekend.

Oh, and get rid of this headache. :)



Kalah....your list is pretty busy too! I hope your headache goes away quickly!

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11:30am check-in....Updated below...]


On my list for today:


DONE~ strain turkey broth that has been cooking in the crockpot for a full day, freeze for making soup late

Second load is in the washer~3 loads of laundry (wash, dry, fold, put away

Done, although not without grumbling and procrastinating by my children~morning schoolwork

~make sense of the bundle of GS financial documents that I took over as treasurer for our troop


~make pumpkin bread (because I want some! :p )

~afternoon schoolwork

~prep dinner

~afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms & kitchen, decluttering)

~start putting up indoor Christmas decorations (if dh got them down from our shed attic)

~rearrange living room toys & furniture to make room for Christmas tree that will go up next weekend.

~take dd15 and dd5 to dance classes


~pick up package at KMart (Cyber Monday order)

~secure costumes for this weekend's holiday dance recital for dd15 and children's musical for dd5 & dd8

~pick dd15 up from dance (8pm)

Almost done~work on menu plan & calendar for December



I would love to also find the time to get in 2 miles on the treadmill, but I'm not sure that's going to happen today.



It has been a frustrating morning as my kids are not in "efficient moods" to get stuff done in a timely fashion. My dad is working nights this week (he lives with us), so he is home all day and trying to sleep. Normally he's gone during the day and we use his bedroom as an extra space for children to work quietly or play or for the little girl I babysit to nap in. But since he's home, we have one less room to use and it makes me feel extremely crowded in the remaining portion of the house....not to mention the fact that I am trying to keep a gaggle of children and a hyper dog quiet all day while he tries to sleep. UGH!

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My 11 am check in.


The kitchen is clean. Actually it is even cleaner than usual because I tackled the toaster oven. It wasn't too bad because I had covered the bottom tray with foil and just had to carefully wad that up to remove 80% of the crumbs and spills. The toaster oven door though took some elbow grease. I actually didn't get it all clean because I didn't want to scrub too hard and trigger a flare. I'll work on it some more tomorrow.


Ds's math seminar with me well well and so did his independent work for the morning. Now he is reading history and is griping over the historical inaccuracies in the illustrations!


Dd will be checking in with me from her independent work in a minute and then I will be working with her directly for the rest of the day.


Earlier during chore time ds got more of the home theater PC worked on. I guess he is missing some parts to make it truly workable so I told him to make a list of what he needs.

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2:30pm Check-in....


We needed a change of scenery to get rid of mama's funky mood and to give Poppy some peace and quiet to sleep before he has to go to work....so, after picking up one of my "daycare girls" from her preschool, we ran some errands and went to lunch at <gasp> McDonald's. It served its purpose though and now we are home. Laundry is almost done washing...just need to fold and put away (or rather, fold and have each kid put away their own stuff). One of my "daycare girls" is napping; the other is watching a movie with my three youngers. DD15 is continuing to work on schoolwork. We have to leave for dance in an hour. I'm going to see how much I can get done in that time. Still haven't figured out what we're having for dinner......I'm just not in the mood to cook. Maybe I can leave it up to dh???

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3:00 check in....

All laundry folded...just waiting for kids to put it away.

DD15 dusted the living room and bedroom for me.

Changed the air filters upstairs and downstairs

Polished dd15's riding boots that were really scuffed up from her trip to NY.


Figured out dinner...nothing fancy, but it will be edible and it doesn't involve me going to the store for anything! :-)

Now off to pick up some scarves that I'm buying from an aquaintance on our way to dance class.

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Noonish check in:


I got the rare treat of getting to putter. I got to repot a plant, to rearrange and clean my entire plant area and to deep clean the top of my china cabinet. It is only recently that I've gotten out of being in the "emergency mode" cleaning that I've been stuck in for years. All this puttering time was courtesy of dd10 who flatly refused my help this morning and then had a melt down because I was not helping and then when I did help her, showed no appreciation at all for the help I gave her. But I was still basking in the glow of having gotten to putter with my plants and rag and was able to keep my sense of humor and my patience! (She's not talking to me now but I think that is for the best since I don't want to ruin my good mood. She'll kick out of it soon enough.)

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4ish check in


I'm doing very bad since my first post. I did work on both looms today. Almost finished with the project on the floor loom so I can put on a Christmas present for one of my college kids.


I don't think I'll get to the master bath today. But I should get the kitchen tidied up a bit in the next hour or so.


I got distracted because I forgot that I wanted to make some soap for Christmas presents and they need at least 3 weeks to cure! So I'm in the midst of that right now. Maybe I'll de-clutter my desk while I'm waiting for the oils and lye to cool down. :laugh:

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2:30pm Check-in....


We needed a change of scenery to get rid of mama's funky mood and to give Poppy some peace and quiet to sleep before he has to go to work....so, after picking up one of my "daycare girls" from her preschool, we ran some errands and went to lunch at <gasp> McDonald's. It served its purpose though and now we are home. Laundry is almost done washing...just need to fold and put away (or rather, fold and have each kid put away their own stuff). One of my "daycare girls" is napping; the other is watching a movie with my three youngers. DD15 is continuing to work on schoolwork. We have to leave for dance in an hour. I'm going to see how much I can get done in that time. Still haven't figured out what we're having for dinner......I'm just not in the mood to cook. Maybe I can leave it up to dh???




Sometimes a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. Hope you've figured out dinner by now.

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