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Home Art Studio at HSBC


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I have this and love it, but gosh darnit I heard here that they wouldn't be doing it on HSBC or I would have waited for the group buy. Now I'm going to get all the rest of them (shipped to relatives in the US and have them send them to me since there is no int'l shipping on this buy).


You should be able to search old threads for more info. (Actually, I haven't tried the search function since the changeover!) Also, the 1+1+1 blog has some posts about it. Hopefully others will chime in, there are several here who use it.

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Awesome! That's a great deal!

I will be getting the whole set! (We already have the Kinder. dvd, so I'll be able to pass that one along to a friend.)

I'm tempted to do the same. We are very happy with the one level we have tried and I'll eventually need and use all of them for more than one child!

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I have this and love it, but gosh darnit I heard here that they wouldn't be doing it on HSBC or I would have waited for the group buy. Now I'm going to get all the rest of them (shipped to relatives in the US and have them send them to me since there is no int'l shipping on this buy).


You should be able to search old threads for more info. (Actually, I haven't tried the search function since the changeover!) Also, the 1+1+1 blog has some posts about it. Hopefully others will chime in, there are several here who use it.



The search seems to be hit and miss right now. Quite often it comes back and says the server is busy. :(

We are able to get shipping here (Canada) but it's pricey...but with the 50% saving on the entire set, I think I can convince myself it's worth it?? :)

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Ooooooh. I'm definitely going to get the K level for dd. Or maybe K and 1st. I mean, buying it that cheap it's like I'm making money, right? So if I don't buy it, I'll be losing money. Which means I have to buy it. Right? :thumbup:



Your logic is both mind boggling and awesome. :smilielol5:


I have K, 1st, and 2nd and we love them! We are able to get them through the school program we are in. Buuuuttt.....the 50% off the full set is so very tempting. Hmmmm.......if I let the school buy them we have to return them whenever we are finished with them. If I bought them my dd could use them for as long as she wanted but then I could resell them and make a little money. But, on the other hand....if I just let the school buy them I don't have to spend any money........ See, I have my own mind boggling logic. :001_smile:

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The search seems to be hit and miss right now. Quite often it comes back and says the server is busy. :(

We are able to get shipping here (Canada) but it's pricey...but with the 50% saving on the entire set, I think I can convince myself it's worth it?? :)


Shipping to Australia for one dvd is $36!!!! Going through the regular site, I mean. I don't know if it is less to Canada (probably) but have a look, you will most likely find that this group buy will be cheaper even if the shipping seems pricey.


The only reason I own this (I have two dvd's) is because relatives visited recently and brought them in their suitcases for me. Among other treasures!

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I'm so thrilled to see this post! I just got an email about this deal and I've never heard of the art program. I'm in the dark, I guess. We currently own Mike's Inspiration Station and the kids enjoy that WHEN we do it. However I'm finding out that we use it RARELY because it's not really lesson based, which is what I like. Is this program like lessons instead of just projects only? The kids do better with lessons that go along with the project instead of just watching a video on "HOW TO".


I'm going to purchase the entire set since we don't have any of them and all my kids will enjoy their OWN art level! :) I have art scheduled for Friday's only and we just haven't done art because the kids love the DVD's we have but they aren't "school" and more of projects. My kids love projects BUT they also like lessons too!

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Ooooooh. I'm definitely going to get the K level for dd. Or maybe K and 1st. I mean, buying it that cheap it's like I'm making money, right? So if I don't buy it, I'll be losing money. Which means I have to buy it. Right? :thumbup:


I totally agree! My hubby, however, thinks I'm a bit nuts. :laugh:

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I'm so thrilled to see this post! I just got an email about this deal and I've never heard of the art program. I'm in the dark, I guess. We currently own Mike's Inspiration Station and the kids enjoy that WHEN we do it. However I'm finding out that we use it RARELY because it's not really lesson based, which is what I like. Is this program like lessons instead of just projects only? The kids do better with lessons that go along with the project instead of just watching a video on "HOW TO".


I'm going to purchase the entire set since we don't have any of them and all my kids will enjoy their OWN art level! :) I have art scheduled for Friday's only and we just haven't done art because the kids love the DVD's we have but they aren't "school" and more of projects. My kids love projects BUT they also like lessons too!


I only recently heard of this program too and was very pleased to get the HSBC email! I think that means it was meant to be, right? I am supposed to own these DVD's! :laugh:

I really liked the sample projects and there seems to be a lot of variety in the projects. I was going to wait until next year to start this, but since it's on sale...clearly there is no point in waiting! I do wish it had a sooner closing date, however. I am not a patient person...

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would the Kindergarten be too young for my 2nd grade 8yr old? I am thinking of getting the whole set and starting from the beginning.



I emailed the company to ask this, as I was curious about using it with my 9 year old. She said it's not an issue, but she does sing the alphabet and such in the K DVD's, so as long as the child isn't bothered by it, there is no reason not to use it.

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I only recently heard of this program too and was very pleased to get the HSBC email! I think that means it was meant to be, right? I am supposed to own these DVD's! :laugh:

I really liked the sample projects and there seems to be a lot of variety in the projects. I was going to wait until next year to start this, but since it's on sale...clearly there is no point in waiting! I do wish it had a sooner closing date, however. I am not a patient person...



YUP meant to be for us too!! :hurray:

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would the Kindergarten be too young for my 2nd grade 8yr old? I am thinking of getting the whole set and starting from the beginning.


My recently turned 9 year old is using the K right now. I have 1st and 2nd to follow. She saw the samples at the website and wanted to do all the lessons from the beginning. She doesn't care that it says K on it. If you child doesn't mind little things....like Ms. Volin saying, "Cutting can be hard....you might need help with the scissors" or things like that...then it shouldn't be a problem. I like that this doesn't show a classroom of students, which would make using a lower level a little harder (maybe). We've only gotten through 4 lessons in the K so far and so far dd has loved it.


I've tried to upload samples of a few K projects, but it doesn't work. It says file is too big to upload, but it's the same size I uploaded on the old board. :glare:

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It says that it's a full year program with a lesson a week, but the projects say they only have 17-18 projects. Does this mean it only has 17-18 lessons or do some weeks not have a project? 17 week isn't a whole school year.


I asked this same exact question on a previous thread and got an answer from the woman who made the dvds. (Not feeling like figuring out how to search with the new format, though, so you're on your own to find it. :p)

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It says that it's a full year program with a lesson a week, but the projects say they only have 17-18 projects. Does this mean it only has 17-18 lessons or do some weeks not have a project? 17 week isn't a whole school year.


I don't think it's meant to be done every single week (but I sure wish it was). If you did it 2 times a month it would be a school year. But, this number of lessons is comparable to the number of lessons in another popular dvd art program...which is much more expensive.

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I asked this same exact question on a previous thread and got an answer from the woman who made the dvds. (Not feeling like figuring out how to search with the new format, though, so you're on your own to find it. :p)


I remember that Alison. Ms. Volin came here to answer some questions. But, it doesn't show up in any search...at least not right now.

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I remember that Alison. Ms. Volin came here to answer some questions. But, it doesn't show up in any search...at least not right now.


Searched under her name: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/429143-home-art-studio-does-ea-grade-last-a-full-school-year/?do=findComment&comment=4403204


"Hi, this is Ms. Volin the art teacher and creator of Home Art Studio. I saw your question and just wanted to reply. Many of the lessons take more than one session. We will often do the first part of the project, then set it aside to dry and finish it the next week. There should be enough lessons to last through the traditional school year if done once a week. Thanks and please let me know if you have any further questions."

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Thanks for sharing! These are fantastic! I am excited to get and start this program!! :)





Thanks....dd loves to show anyone her artwork. I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not, but you can upload the pictures of your kids art to Lindsey's website and she'll post them and comment on them. I've only uploaded Happy Sun so far, and dd loved getting positive feedback (from a "movie star" :lol: ) . I'll have to submit the sunflowers too (I keep forgetting). Hope you and your kids enjoy it!


Searched under her name: http://forums.welltr...r/#entry4403204




"Hi, this is Ms. Volin the art teacher and creator of Home Art Studio. I saw your question and just wanted to reply. Many of the lessons take more than one session. We will often do the first part of the project, then set it aside to dry and finish it the next week. There should be enough lessons to last through the traditional school year if done once a week. Thanks and please let me know if you have any further questions."



Smarty pants! I was searching for Ms. Volin.....didn't even think of Lindsey Volin. :001_rolleyes: But....I think that comment might be a tad bit of a stretch...because if my dd does the first steps and waits for it to dry...she doesn't want to wait an entire week to do the next step. But, whatever. If you do a project from the dvd every other week and in between use another art book or something....then you should be good to go for the school year. We are just planning on more than one dvd this year.

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Thanks....dd loves to show anyone her artwork. I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not, but you can upload the pictures of your kids art to Lindsey's website and she'll post them and comment on them. I've only uploaded Happy Sun so far, and dd loved getting positive feedback (from a "movie star" :lol: ) . I'll have to submit the sunflowers too (I keep forgetting). Hope you and your kids enjoy it!




Smarty pants! I was searching for Ms. Volin.....didn't even think of Lindsey Volin. :001_rolleyes: But....I think that comment might be a tad bit of a stretch...because if my dd does the first steps and waits for it to dry...she doesn't want to wait an entire week to do the next step. But, whatever. If you do a project from the dvd every other week and in between use another art book or something....then you should be good to go for the school year. We are just planning on more than one dvd this year.



Thanks for the info. :) I was thinking we might end up doing more than one DVD a year. I also want to add in some of these books: http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=16&category=5140 so hopefully that will slow us down a bit (and shame on me - but I am ok with only having to clean up an art mess every 2nd week... :laugh: )

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Thanks for the info. :) I was thinking we might end up doing more than one DVD a year. I also want to add in some of these books: http://www.rainbowre...6&category=5140 so hopefully that will slow us down a bit (and shame on me - but I am ok with only having to clean up an art mess every 2nd week... :laugh: )


Oh, yes....those books are nice. I found one at a garage sale. I need to remember to check if my library carries any or can get any on interlibrary loan for me.


I got this book too, that I want to start using along with HAS. It looks like you don't need much more than paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, paint...the basic stuff.


As for the mess......maybe make it part of the project that the kids need to help clean up. Hmmm.....on second thought, sometimes that makes even more of a mess for mom. :D

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Oh, yes....those books are nice. I found one at a garage sale. I need to remember to check if my library carries any or can get any on interlibrary loan for me.


I got this book too, that I want to start using along with HAS. It looks like you don't need much more than paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, paint...the basic stuff.


As for the mess......maybe make it part of the project that the kids need to help clean up. Hmmm.....on second thought, sometimes that makes even more of a mess for mom. :D


That looks like a good book too! Clean up would go soooo much better if only my 3 year old truly understood the concept! I say "lets clean this up" and he hears "lets run through this at top speed and see what happens." :glare:

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My 2nd grade dd sat down the other day and did the entire sample lesson for 1st grade and enjoyed it greatly! She didn't want to do the sunflowers as she said it looked too much like something for her younger brother. Which I found GREAT since it'll be alot of fun for him!


My 4th grade artsy dd wanted to do all the samples but I made her only pick one for that day and the time we had alloted. She picked the 3rd grade sample lesson and enjoyed it alot too!!


Both of my dd's asked after they were done with their art if I would consider purchasing the program! My ds wants to do the sample K lesson and I will pick out time for him this weekend to try it and I'll report back! :)

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My 2nd grade dd sat down the other day and did the entire sample lesson for 1st grade and enjoyed it greatly! She didn't want to do the sunflowers as she said it looked too much like something for her younger brother. Which I found GREAT since it'll be alot of fun for him!


My 4th grade artsy dd wanted to do all the samples but I made her only pick one for that day and the time we had alloted. She picked the 3rd grade sample lesson and enjoyed it alot too!!


Both of my dd's asked after they were done with their art if I would consider purchasing the program! My ds wants to do the sample K lesson and I will pick out time for him this weekend to try it and I'll report back! :)


That's awesome!! Don't forget to post pics!

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