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Teachers Lounge 11-14-2012

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Good morning!


Since the board will be down tomorrow, today is Doubles Day.

Seconds on everything! :D


What's for lunch today and tomorrow? Like I know! :lol:


What are you doing today and tomorrow? Doubling up on school here today. My paper isn't due until tomorrow but I want to be DONE. DD needs to read at least two chapters of Silas Marner today. I told her this week she's on her own with it because I do not have time to read it aloud to her, sadly. We may be going to the zoo tomorrow. :auto:


I might also go meet with an author friend of mine to have her review my paper before I submit it. ;)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch today is the same as lunch tomorrow and lunch yesterday - pb&apples. Dinner today is burritos and tomorrow is spaghetti. :)


Today is my busy and brilliant day, so I'm busy and working hard today. I'm trying to earn my keep and remind my boss why he keeps me around while making him look good. Other than that I'm taking older dd's cello to a luthier today, teaching, cooking and going to Junior Classics League meeting, and going to a school board meeting.


Tomorrow, I've got a class at work in addition to work. I'm also busy tomorrow plus normal daily work. I might pad my time with finishing up WWII in Winter of the World since I can't stop here to chat for a coffee break. :(

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Karen, what's a luthier?


Jean, where did you find that cute turkey icon?


A luthier is a word I've recently learned. It is a person that makes or repairs stringed instruments. The cello has developed a buzz that I can't hear, but the cello teacher and my dd can both hear it. It has something to do with the bridge so it needs a little professional attention. Since she loves cello so much and younger just started her bass lessons, I figured now was a good time to start getting to know the local luthier instead of taking it to the band music shop for repair. I feel like we're going to be string-people for a long time.


I'm the kind of person that sees the word "bass" and thinks fish instead of large, deep-sounding string instrument. I don't know where my kids got this passion for music - darned classical education. :lol:

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Good morning!


Since the board will be down tomorrow, today is Doubles Day.

Seconds on everything! :D


What's for lunch today and tomorrow? Like I know! :lol:


What are you doing today and tomorrow? Doubling up on school here today. My paper isn't due until tomorrow but I want to be DONE. DD needs to read at least two chapters of Silas Marner today. I told her this week she's on her own with it because I do not have time to read it aloud to her, sadly. We may be going to the zoo tomorrow. :auto:


I might also go meet with an author friend of mine to have her review my paper before I submit it. ;)


Talk to me! :bigear:


Lunch today was whatever leftover that sounded good. My two older kids ate tacos, while YDS and I had sloppy joes. Tomorrow? Probably either a repeat of what we have tonight OR PB sandwiches or apples and cheese.


Had regular subject line up, but lighter work (well except for math/literature...) Although, we did drop spelling/vocab this week.


Tomorrow - more of the same.


My life is nothing but excitement. I don't know how I stand it LOL

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What's for lunch today and tomorrow?


Today was make your own sandwich and Hurry!!! because it's time to leave for Spanish! Day. I drank leftover squash soup from a coffee mug on the way.


Tomorrow, probably leftovers.


What are you doing today and tomorrow?


Today: Spanish class for ds11, guitar lesson for ds9, school in between. Starting to make a Santa costume for a play, and jingle bell wristbands for the littles in the Christmas show at church. Child care for a teen mom meeting later. Right this minute, I need to call one of the coordinators if the church Christmas show, and I don't want to because she was a little miffed that I didn't have time to talk yesterday because I was doing school. So I'm putting it off, even though I know I need to just get over my own self and pick up the phone. Silly, really, but there you have it.


Tomorrow: School, piano lesson. Sew some more, probably.



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