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I am never alone.

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And it's not kids, it's my dogs. We have three, two border collies and one ACD. (heeler). The bcs are supposed to be outside, but they snicker their way in occasionally. Hank follows me around because he thinks I'm some sort of goddess. That dog adores me. He'll follow me from chair to chair, not content to just be in the same room. Boone watches me carefully in case I drop something good to eat or give birth. (NB- these are not the same thing, Boone just adores children.)


But Tick, the heeler, feels I need her constant supervision because I'm an idiot, and can't do things without her help. She is my driving instructor, my parole officer, my conscience, my guardian, my shadow. She apparently is my doctor too. She waits around the door anxiously when I'm in the bathroom, I guess to make sure I don't accidentally flush myself down the toilet. "Everything okay in there mom????"


Our mud bathroom has a sliding door, and the little lock thing has come off, leaving a smallish hole and no privacy. I used it one day anyhow, no one there but me. But wait, what is this??? Tick hops up on the door and presses her little doggy eyeball up to the hole, trying to figure out if I'm okay or not. Then she attempts to stick her paw in and wave at me.


What is it with dogs? At least our four cats hold me in enough contempt to leave me (relatively) alone.

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LOL! Our dog is the same way. Unfortunately, he is this way with all people, not just his people. He feels the need to check on all the neighbors to make sure they are ok without him. He helps them clean their cars and makes sure the inside of their house is secure and that their dogs are entertained. I'm sure they think he is a real help!


This is why we have three cats and one dog. I am counting the days...

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She is so attached to me (literally). She lies at me feet while I'm on the computer. She sits ON my feet when I'm standing anywhere. Hugs me (Berner trait) EVERY time I come in the house -- even if I walk out, accidently forget something and turn around and come back in. Sits by my reading chair, pawing me (guess how many cups of tea and coffee have spilled on my lap). And the bathroom, she runs ahead of me when she thinks I'm going there and waits inside the bathroom for me. Yeah . . . my kids think she has a "I love mommy too much" special needs.

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I can so relate. I have a dog - teeny, weeny, very ugly mutt - that follows me all over the house. I can feel her little furry ears on my ankles as I walk from here to there and I am always tripping over her. She must lie at my feet when I am in the bathroom. She sleeps with me and she would sit on my lap all the time except I recently bought a recliner and she cannot manage the leap anymore.


She sits under the piano bench while dd15 practices piano and also sits on her lap - especially now that she cannot reach mine. Yesterday, she was trying to jump into dd's lap, but only succeeded in scratching dd with her sharp toenails. Dd whined a bit at her so I said, "Oh, she just wants to be with you - she loves you." Dd answered, "I know, but she is supposed to be *my* dog, I am not *her* person!":)


I've had clingy cats to. One of my cats would leap onto my back each morning while I was brushing my teeth. He would settle into the small of my back and lie down there. I couldn't very well stand up after that or I would have had claws in my back, so I had to walk across the room bent over and gently dump him onto the bed before I could finish getting ready for work.

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I cannot take a shower without 2 or 3 of our 7 cats in the room with me. THey will even walk around the rim of the tub in the area between the shower curtain and liner. This is when the shower is on, what happened to cats being afraid of water? Our bathroom door does not lock and if I try to keep it shut by placing something heavy against it, our 20 pound orange cat will hurl himself against the door until he gets it open.

I never have less than 3 cats in bed with me and in the winter, sometimes 5 or 6 of them.


The cats also have to "help" my kids do their schoolwork, even sitting on their books and papers and swatting their pencils.

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