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what is on YOUR Christmas wish list?

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I made two lists since I haven't heard about the lotto and if we won it yet or not ; )


Lotto Christmas Wish List

A divorce, with sole custody of my dd and her passport (can't go to freakin' CANADA to attend family reunions because of the blasted passport law)

A years worth of food storage

All the disaster prepping stuff I'd need

A new wardrobe, from Old Navy

A new house, maybe in Utah, and no matter where it would be an Earthship we had professionally built. Also, totally off grid.

A cure for CFS. It's been kicking my butt for almost a year now. (this falls under the Miracle Wish List)

To be able to tithe

DNA testing to see what my genetic heritage actually breaks down to

Everything on my Amazon wishlist

OH OH OH! A big party. This is crazy, but I'd LOVE to fly all my friends and family to my new home (though they get to stay at a very fancy hotel) and have a big party. We're talking many international flights. Oh gosh, I'm tearing up at the idea!


Actual Wishlist

Money for iTunes

Money for Nook books

Black leather slide-on shoes for winter weather sans snow (my mom found a great pair and we almost fight to wear them)

Father Ted complete set of DVDs (may need to move this to the lotto wish list)

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Kindle Paperwhite. Probably not going to happen.


Shoes, clothes. Dutch oven. Amazon had a 7 quart Lodge dutch oven as one of the Lightning Deals and I missed it. :glare:


Ticket money to visit my parents in Israel. Definitely not going to happen, esp. with the Gaza situation right now. :crying:

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Pantry shelves and a photo composite of Matthew! Our pantry is currently set up like a clothing closet, we sat a pie cabinet in it for shelves. It is not enough. And then I have these beautiful composites of my older kids. They are black an white baby pics with close UPS of eyes, eats, noses, full body shots and faces. I love them!! I want one of my newest baby. DH takes the photos and puts them together. :)

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I want the trim on the 2nd floor done and the closests created. Seriously. I am sick of the wood everywhere, the 1/2 moved in feel, no pictures on the walls, my clothes on the floor all of the time.....I want the 2nd floor finished and I want to move in or move out.

A wedding ring (lost mine during a day of sanding on the house).

NEw birks. Can't wear anything else because of my knee and the ones I have are getting pretty beat looking.


Really, I'd like to move closer to family/adult kids, I'd like my dh to get a job teaching, with benefits (incl college tuition remission for our kids) a salary that matches/exceeds what he makes now, and a place where I could work p.t./start-attend a UMS with a specific church. THAT would be my ultimate Christmas wish.

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