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Teachers Lounge 11-5-2012

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Good morning! Happy Monday!


Morning! Monday!



Thought I'd open the Lounge before paying bills this morning.


My schedule today includes: paying bills, going elsewhere to work on homework, keeping kids on task, grocery shopping, figuring out what's for lunch, taking kids to their history class, coming home and enforcing nap/quiet times!, hauling kids to sports practice, helping set up election poll site, and then ballet. :auto: Whew!


You? :001_smile:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Wow - you're very busy.

I'm working today. Younger has VT today, so I need to get her schoolwork done before we leave. Other than that, I'm just cooking dinner, picking up, and running some laundry. Dh does the shopping this time of year which he's doing after work today since he didn't get to it yesterday. I already know what's for lunch and dinner :D


Of course, I'm voting tomorrow. I thought about voting by mail, but I prefer to "really" vote.

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Today I'm enjoying the fact that dh is going back to a regular work schedule, which means the kids and I did not have to get up at 6am to take him to the Metro. :hurray: That means the only thing on the schedule today is schoolwork and dd's AHG meeting this evening. If the kids are nice, I might even take them to the neighborhood playground this afternoon. :001_smile:

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I did early voting on Friday, which required waiting in line outside the library for 90 minutes. It does sound like it was worth it, though, since longer lines are predicted for Tuesday.


Please, everyone, remember that, as long as you are in line before the polls close, you must be allowed to vote.


My schedule today includes: paying bills, going elsewhere to work on homework, keeping kids on task, grocery shopping, figuring out what's for lunch, taking kids to their history class, coming home and enforcing nap/quiet times!, hauling kids to sports practice, helping set up election poll site, and then ballet. :auto: Whew!


You? :001_smile:


Talk to me! :bigear:


This morning, I walked with the dog, finished the laundry I started last night, fed kids breakfast and cleaned the cat box.


After a disastrous two-week trial of giving my son more freedom and responsibility with scheduling his schoolwork, I pulled the plug as of Friday afternoon. So, we spent some time after breakfast going over all of the assignments for the last couple of weeks, figuring out what he had actually done (almost nothing) and making a list of everything he needs to complete before we can get back on track. I've made it clear he will have to work through part of what would otherwise be Christmas break and/or continue longer into the summer in order to fix this mess.


The rest of my day has me packing up my son, some schoolwork and the dog and driving my daughter to work (30 minutes each way), dropping her at 3:00. We'll come home, listening to our current assigned audiobook on the drive, and he'll make himself an early dinner. I'll drop him at choir (fortunately, close) at 4:30, scoot home and make dinner for myself and my husband. I'll also pack a snack for my son to eat in the car. At 6:20, I'll leave to pull him out of choir early and drive him to his dance school (30 minutes) for tap. Once he's done, we'll go wait for my daughter to be done with her after-work Zumba class. I'm hoping to get in some more audiobook time on the drive over there and/or while we're waiting for my daughter. Once she's done, we'll all head home, arriving by 10:00-ish. I'll do dishes and whatever other clean-up is necessary and try for some sleep.


Tomorrow is actually my busiest day.

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I'm back! Did you all have a good day? DD is "off" today meaning she's feeling "off". Aspergers will do that to her once in awhile! Poor girl is at the end of her cycle this month, and just today I find out that the end is just as rough as the beginning for her! Poor girl! So she is staying home from volleyball practice.


I've decided I'll probably be staying home from ballet. I'm exhausted and have to be at the election poll site at some ridiculously early hour tomorrow. Think I'll prep my meals tonight, maybe watch Once Upon a Time with the hubby (we watch it one day after airdate, online), and then work on my paper that's due next week!


Did you decide to NOT do anything you were planning on doing today?

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