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Art history again---"God And The History of Art" (Stebbing)? The good, bad, & ugly?


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God and the History of Art is scheduled in the MFW history rotations. I have the book, but haven't used it yet. It looks good and nice to sort of "match" history w/ art, KWIM? The author's of MFW spend a lot of time choosing the "perfect" curriculums to go w/ their program and they highly recommend it. So, obviously it isn't going to be "perfect" for everyone, but it does look good. Sorry I can't offer a better review...you could also try on the MFWFamilies Yahoo group.

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I used it W/ my HS daughter her Freshmen year, and we loved it, we completed in all, But it could easily be broken up into smaller portions for all grade levels, I loved it, it's very interesting to see how History and Art go together and what God was doing!

Each daily lesson is a little different; Some lessons cover a particular artist during that time period, Art picture studies, drawing excersizes, sometimes their is just reading, and other lessons incorporate some handson.



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So, Kim, it sounds like God and the History of Art would mesh will with trivium-based classical because of its chronological structure. Right?




Not Kim, but yes. Even though we're MFW users, I chose not to do "God and..." for now because of time and circumstance issues, but I do intend to have my dd do it during the high school rotation, and I may include dd #2 at that point, too.

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I have it but haven't started using it yet. However, there is a hs mom where I live who uses it with her two and does it in a co-op setting with another two kids (ages 9-12 years oldl). They've been doing it one day a week for about an hour for at least two years and they seem to really like it. As a matter of fact, I ran into them in the park one day working on it and it's what promted me to start researching it.


Now, I also have all the Visual Manna art books and prefer to just incorporate art into whatever we are doing with other subjects. But thought maybe once a week, it would be good to go through this.

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I tried this one last year for 3rd and 6th. It was just not a hit here. Dds didnt like it one bit. I think it is a fine program, but some reason, it didnt fit well for us.


It does say it's for ages 10 and up, so that might be one reason it didn't fit well with a 3rd grader. It's also the reason I'm comfortable waiting. My older girls are 12 and 9 now, and while the 12yo is very artistically inclined and could be doing it, I didn't see the need since she's doing so many other things right now. When she starts high school and they're 14 and 11, they can do it together then.

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I've used it with my oldest who is 10 for two years. We love the art history in it but some of the art projects are a little difficult so we have to simplify the activity at times. It's recommended by Stebbing for 10 and up but it's scheduled in CtG, MFW curriculum , which my son started at 8. We will start it with my 7 years olds this fall, but again will simplify as needed.

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