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For Starbucks Fans Only: is your local store closing?

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My drink is a triple short 4 pump Cinnamon Dulce Latte.....mmmmmm


Sometimes...on REALLY hot days I will get a Iced Venti quad 6 pump Caramel Macchiato....mmmmmmm


Starbucks isn't that convenient for me so I usually go to my local stand...where they make me a perfect 8 oz triple shot 4 pump Hazelnut latte...99% of the time! LOL


As far as I know the Starbucks locations in my town are all safe...but this has me wondering about the store I worked for back in St. Louis....I should call my boss!:confused:

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Yes, ours is closing. It was rather ambitious to open one here when we already have 3 coffee shops (in addition to all the little mom & pop cafes) in a town with population of about 20,000. And now the nearest will be about 30 minutes away (Tulsa or Owasso). But it's OK, because I like my coffee (ordered from Costa Rica) much better than anything these shops make.

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but I do enjoy their hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint.


A couple nearby are closing, but there are still several left. We actually prefer Coffee Kiosk, a local chain.


DS loves ice blended coffee drinks. DH loves those green tea lattes, or something like that!

Michelle T

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Nothing in the world withing walking distance here, just south of Richmond, VA. One, and a B&N within five min, two more within 7 min & two more in stores within 8 min. My fave drink was Toffee Nut Latte, but with diabetes it is now skinny latte, venti, with 3 pumps sugar free vanilla, 3 pumps sugar free mocha.


Here's a tip for those who like iced--I get a venti, 100 degree, no whip, no foam, latte, and a venti glass full of ice, no water. I pour the 100 degree latte over the ice--it melts the ice a bit, making it not quite as strong (I don't fill it quite as full and add a bit more cold milk). If you do this twice, it gives you exactly two venti iced drinks--you can share or have two drinks for the price of one (if I'm really good, I'll save one for the next day)! Or, if you just want one, a tall hot drink (again, get it 100 degrees, or it melts all the ice and makes it too weak) makes a venti iced drink.


See, being short of cash does breed ingenuity :).

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Maybe that trend will spread eventually too. I don't know of any small, local roasters that have coffee shops in this area. I can think of a couple that are 30 minutes or more away, but not in a convenient spot.


All I know is, the last time I was back East (Boston), people out there thought Dunkin' Donuts coffee was the bomb. Something is just not right about that.;)

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