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Adenoidectomy - What to expect?

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So the ENT recommends we get DD's adenoids removed because they are impairing her speech quality, and the speech pathologist says it is probably a good idea to do it now rather than continue to "wait and see" because who knows if they will shrink over time and impact her quality of life in the meantime.


The outpatient surgery center says there is a slot available this friday (!) That is so much sooner than I expected. I have heard that it is really a pretty quick surgery and that recovery is fairly easy, but nobody in my family has had their tonsils or adenoids out, so this is all very new to me...is that so?

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I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 16. It sucked. A lot. I remember lying on the couch, sucking Tylenol w/ codeine out of the bottle with a straw for days.



Maybe better to do it while she's 6 rather than 16, then? And the tonsils will be staying in, so at least there's that.

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Maybe better to do it while she's 6 rather than 16, then? And the tonsils will be staying in, so at least there's that.


Um, yes, probably. I really don't think having things snipped out of the inside of your face is a picnic at any point, but I think younger kids probably do better.

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Getting just the adenoids removed isn't as bad as getting the tonsils removed. Those are more painful. DS had his adenoids removed twice...yep, they grew back, and just as big. The first time was when he was 2, due to severe sleep apnea. He had them removed with the tonsils and his recovery was rough. The second time they just removed the adenoids he was back to his old self within just a couple days. He was in MUCH less pain the second time. He was 5.5 years old the second time. :) Good luck!

Edited by somo_chickenlady
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My ds was 7 when he had his out. He still has his tonsils. The surgery is fairly quick and you get sent home within an hour of the surgery being over. Bring along something for your dd to vomit in on the ride home. We didn't think of that. :glare:


We figured out that the pain med was making him throw up so the Dr. said to stop giving it to him and when we did he felt so much better.


By the next day I was forcing ds to slow down and rest. He also couldn't do any sports for a few weeks.

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Both of my kids have had tonsils, adenoids out and ear tubes put in. Very simple, home right afterwards and minimal pain. A few days of popsicles, tylenol and they were back to normal in 3 days or so.


:iagree: we had absolutely no problems. No, I take that back - our problem was keeping dd down because they aren't supposed to run and play in case their clots pop. Dd was up and at 'em in no time.

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DS got his out when he was 3. It was a cold morning and he came home and slept it off. He asked to go sledding and eat pizza before the day was up. He hurt a little the next day and acted dopey, but that was it.


DD just had hers out three weeks ago, at age 16; the doctor also trimmed her turbinates because they were blocking her sinus passages. She got it done on a Tuesday and probably spent two days in bed. She managed to go to her dance class (to watch, not to dance) on THursday and then co-op classes the next day. Saturday she slept all day but went to church on Sunday.


She didn't feel great those first few days, but not horrible either.

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