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Teachers Lounge 10-24-2012

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Did you miss me?


Had Stamp/Card class this morning then ran errands. Now I'm here! :D


Lunch? Here: natural, organic little smokies along with GF cinnamon raisin bread.


Then a NAP!


Dinner? Baked potatoes with broccoli and cheese.


Tell me something else about your day! :bigear:

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Hi Scrap! It's about time! :toetap05: :D


Lunch - mixed greens salad with pork and mangos. And a small chunk of cinnamon chip bread that I couldn't resist when ds handed it to me.


Dinner - I have no idea. I have a hankering for stew but doubt I"ll get around to making it in time.


So far today I have cleaned the kitchen (but it needs it again), done a.m. school (Logic/History/Lit. with ds15 and spelling and Japanese with dd10) and have paid two pesky medical bills thus ending this month's bill-paying roulette. Dh has decided to clean the garage :svengo: and I am staying well out of his way. Dd is helping him which is why I had time to do some of my own chores for once.

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One of the things I miss most about teaching was chatting it up and gossiping in the teacher's lounge! :D


Lunch: leftover spaghetti


Dinner: pan-seared porkchops, brown rice, okra gumbo, and purple hull peas


We had a play date at the park this morning and this afternoon I've been updating my blog with posts about our vacation to Disney World last week, what we did each day, what we ate, etc. Got to fit some school into the schedule...NOW! :)

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I was super busy today and shouldn't have been around here at all.


Dinner tonight will be forgotten chicken with rice and kale chips. Forgotten chicken is the exotic sounding name that we've given to my super-simple chicken dish. Take frozen split chicken breast, some leftover herbs from the fridge or freezer and half a box or more (or less) of gf chicken broth. Put them in a pot with a lid over a medium heat. Have very good intentions to come back when they come to a boil to turn them down and cook them so you can use them in enchiladas or something thoughtful. Get busy and forget you put on the chicken until you hear the sound of a pot about to boil dry. Turn it off and serve with rice or buttered gf noodles.


I usually have a long, hard day on Wednesday. Forgotten chicken is a product of an overworked mom and is now frequently requested by kids that are frequently on the receiving end of "something with rice" for dinner.

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Lets see...I had homemade blueberry banana muffins for breakfast while I graded papers and wrote up the kids schedules for the next few weeks. Then I packed up hubbys lunch, got him out the door for work, had some chili for lunch while I watched some hulu and worked on the schedules. Then a quick protein shake before the kids and I ran out to pick up 130 bales of hay in the back field that our friend was baling for us. We came back in a bit ago and ate another bowl of chili :D and now I'm about to hop in the shower and get ready for church at 7. The hay will be unloaded later this week with some help from my 'adopted boys' down the street (I used to watch them when they were little in the summer while their parents worked. Their youngest and my youngest are best friends). For now it's in the barn...

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