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notebookingpages.com - worth the $80 membership???


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I took a look at this, and I don't really think it's worth the $80. You could make your own notebook pages by copying and pasting some graphics in a Word or Publishing software document fairly easily and quickly.


I would rather subscribe to something like BrainPop (which we do) for $99/yr. than this, but that is just my own personal opinion.

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I bought my membership back in May when they were having a 25% off sale plus 3 extra months added to my membership. If it was only the notebooking treasury alone I wouldn't have bought the membership. Now they have the Notebooking Publisher where you can design and make your own notebooking pages with your own images and some neat features. If you haven't seen the video you should get on their site and watch it, it explains it all. But like I was saying, the Notebooking Publisher is awesome (I use it to make copywork pages for FIAR and customized notebooking themed pages) and I still wouldn't pay $80 for it. I love having my Notebooking Pages membership because I use it all the time but there is no way I'd pay $80 for it. She usually runs a sale before Christmas so if I were you I would get on her mailing list and you'll be able to know when the next sale is.

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Definitely worth it for us. The renewal for each subsequent year is only about $30, too.


I like the pages, I like having a collection of pages on the theme I need ready to download and use, I like that she made pages for specific scientists (For BF History of Science) when I suggested them.....and my daughter and I both LOVE the Notebooking Publisher feature!


She is dyslexic and handwriting is a huge challenge for her, so she hand-writes it, spell checks it, and then does a beautiful typed-out final version in Notebooking Publisher. Her portfolio this year will be beautiful, and she is so proud of her efforts.

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The sets are not that expensive. I couldn't possibly need that many sets in one year. I've bought a set here and there, but nowhere near $80 worth. More like $10? Some of the sets (Middle Ages History) aren't even complete.


Looking at the Ancient set/sample, I wasn't sure if it would cover all of the topics I am covering with MOH.

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