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XBox 360 and Kinect...still using the Kinect???

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DS9 and DS6 are asking for a XBox 360 for Christmas. We are considering it.


We have the PS3, and that is used quite often. We had the Wii and that was used quite a bit, for about the first six months. Then it sat mostly unused for about 2 years, until we sold it to Gamestop.


So contemplating the Kinect....is this just the XBox version of Wii? Do you have it? Does it get used much at your home if you've had it for a while? Worth it? Regret it?

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My kids have used ours often over the last18 months. the kinect is more active because it uses the entire body.


I consider it extremely worth it, it wears my oldest out like nothing else.


this is the only game system we own, therefore it is appreciated. it they had options I doubt it would receive as mch use.

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My girls that are 7 use it the most. They love Kinect adventures, Sonic the Hedgehodge game, kinectimals and fantastic pets.... My boys have tried other demos of kinect games, such as the star wars, etc... they just aren't into it as much as the girls... I suppose they are past it.


I have used the Active game with the kinect and liked it pretty well. It doesn't replace running, though!

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