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We're moving: thoughts on school work?


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I'm basically going to throw our schedule out the window for a little while. We're moving in about 3 weeks. We've got 3 days of driving to get out there plus 2 days here when the movers will be here packing things up. So there's 5 days already where school will be mostly impossible. Then we'll be in temporary housing until we find a place which in theory won't take too long since we're going to rent instead of buy. Still I assume we'll have at least 2 weeks of upheaval. However during that time I'd still like to get some learning done.


Ideas? I'm wondering about things that ds and I can listen to in the car? In my car it's going to be me, ds (3rd grade, 8 yrs old), and our dog. My kindy 5 yr old dd will be with dh and I know dh won't be interested in listening to anything other than his own chosen music. I'm more concerned about keeping my 8 yr old "schooled" anyways.


I'm thinking once we arrive but have not yet settled I can have him do math (easy for him), his daily reading, WWE, and handwriting. I'd like to keep up with history but we follow BCP for history and always use library books for the topics and we won't be able to get a library card immediately upon arrival.


Any ideas or random thoughts would be much appreciated. We've made several large moves but the last one was 3 yrs ago just a few weeks before my oldest started kindy so schooling was not an issue yet at the time.


Oh and thoughts on what to do with my kindergartner? She does NOT deal well with change so part of me wants to just let school slide with her and we'll pick it up once we're settled but the other part feels like some structure and familiarity of her school-work might actually be beneficial for her.

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We have moved three times in two years, I say let it all go. The kids aren't going to get impossibly lost in the next month. School will wait. Pack, drive, talk to your dc, play highway/travel games. Have fun, relax, unpack, get settled, find everything at your new place.


Trust me, it will be okay. Due to military then Department of Defense, we have moved 16 times in the past 12 years and it has all worked out. I stressed the first 10 or so times and finally learned to let go.

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We have moved three times in two years, I say let it all go. The kids aren't going to get impossibly lost in the next month. School will wait. Pack, drive, talk to your dc, play highway/travel games. Have fun, relax, unpack, get settled, find everything at your new place.



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I like to keep up with history but we follow BCP for history and always use library books for the topics and we won't be able to get a library card immediately upon arrival.

..... She does NOT deal well with change so part of me wants to just let school slide with her and we'll pick it up once we're settled but the other part feels like some structure and familiarity of her school-work might actually be beneficial for her.


While it would take time to get your library card, you can still spend plenty of time at the library and get reading done.


How about compliling audiobooks into a few cds for your son to listen in the car?

Or a affordable MP3 player for him to use in the car?


My older used to have meltdowns over change. Familiarity of school work may help as a temporal security blanket amiss the move.

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When we've moved while homeschooling we slow down but not stop working. I find that stopping everything is a source of stress then I find myself playing catchup while trying to unpack, settle into a new location, and meet people.


I've done a backpack (a milk crate, dishpan, or whatever would work) with school books. I plan everything out in advance like a checklist. When there's some time glance at the list, grab the materials/books, and get it done. I do, however, all but stop subjects like social studies. There's a lot of geography, map skills, history, etc. to be learned on a road trip.

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We've moved several times during a school year and it's tough! I am similar to a pp and I don't like to leave things for several weeks because it stresses me out -- not to say it should stress me out...but it does. So we started packing a box with our day-to-day subjects - mainly math & LA. For science and social you could find lapbooks (lots of free ones out there). Both kids could do these together and it would keep them busy while you are packing/unpacking! We still had days when we didn't get much done, but I felt better having those books on hand and being able to do a bit here and there. Being able to get back into a routine usually helps my kids adjust to the move quicker, as well.

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Our last move lasted longer than we'd expected so we had no books or supplies with us while we were in a hotel for two weeks. We did lots of reading aloud. The Little Prince and Adam of the Road. We used the time to learn states and capitols and reviewed money and telling time. Having a bit of school to do was good for all of us.

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There is so much processing going on in a child's brain when a move happens that to add school on top might be too much, but there are opportunities to add some learning along the way. Older dc could follow the map and make predictions when you will get to certain places. Car games promote observing the landscape. Audio books are good. Let your Ker nature journal the new flora and fauna she sees. Organizing their books and things. Give older a map of the new neighborhood so he can help find places you want to go to.


There will be plenty of time for scheduled school work once you are settled. Trying to do it before then might stress you and your children out. I would also slowly start back...main subjects first then full days.

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Thanks everyone for the thoughts & replies! I know I won't stop school completely because I know if we're not doing school than my kids will probably be in a hotel room with nothing to do and watching TV. We know the area somewhat, we were there for several weeks this past summer, so mostly our time initially will be spent trying to find a house and getting stuff moved in.


Anyone know if the Harry Potter audio books are any good? Ds and I have read the first two - maybe he and I could get the 3rd one as an audio CD to listen to in the car.

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Thanks everyone for the thoughts & replies! I know I won't stop school completely because I know if we're not doing school than my kids will probably be in a hotel room with nothing to do and watching TV. We know the area somewhat, we were there for several weeks this past summer, so mostly our time initially will be spent trying to find a house and getting stuff moved in.


Anyone know if the Harry Potter audio books are any good? Ds and I have read the first two - maybe he and I could get the 3rd one as an audio CD to listen to in the car.

The HP audio books are excellent. We just finished listening to all of them and loved how they were read.

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Do you use workbooks at all?? Last year I had a ton of dr. appts and switched my dd8 over to a notebook system where I ripped apart all her workbooks and 3 hole punched for the notebook. That, with audio cd's of SOTW and we were able to get an amazing amount accomplished on the road.


But if it just a move and really temporary.. I'd say let it slide=D

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